I've gotten lazy with this meme.
Naw, with everything. With the exception of this shirt I'm trying to sew while hoping it will resemble a shirt that can be taken seriously. Right now it's like a vest with some strange thing hanging from the neck.
Argh! I hate it when the scrolling system on my computer just... dies. Won't scroll, and for some reason it also disables Photoshop, it won't open new documents or save the ones you were using.
We got a tentative date and time for the Tales representation, aaaaahhh. It feels so much more real when you have a time, date and place. Why did I get myself into this @___@
24. Favorite Tales Spell
Indignation in Symphonia. It's actually a spell unlike in Abyss and Vesperia, beh. Too bad the party member who has it is Genis, haha. I love seeing Yuan use it. Too bad that that usually ends with him frying my party.
I also like Thunder Blade.
I have a thing for electicity, I also like Thunder Blade and using the Sardonyx in Symphonia. Haha.
25. Your Favorite Tales Weapon
Last Fencer, I suppose. Cool name. And slightly meaningful in Symphonia.
Raven's Fairy Bow, I like how it looks~
Hisui's Gale Arc! I'm not exactly sure what IS it, some arm things that shoot energy, but nvm that XD
Umm. Probably others that I take a fancy to while playing, but can't remember out of the blue like this.