(no subject)

Aug 02, 2005 12:51

Well blah...Nothing is really going on too much. I start school in exactly 1 week...I'm excited but not ...cause I mean it's my last year YAY..but its school YUCK...so I don't know. I think Justin and his girlfriend are about to break up..Yesterday they were at the house and someone kept lincing Samantha and she wouldn't let Justin see who it was so ...he told her not to touch him or get around him. So she left...then he wouldn't talk to her when she linced him. and he said he really wanted her to break up with him so that he didn't have to be mean and break up with her. So I don't know..but it won't hurt my feeling any if they do break up. but he's been acting really weird around me now too. you know he's always put his arms around me and stuff when we sleep but Sunday night he held my hand and was running his fingers through my hair and stuff and I don't know what his issue is. but anyways... I have to go to the dentist on Thursday to get my teeth cleaned @ 9:30 then @ 3:00 I am going to have my hair stripped. (all the dye in it i'm getting removed so it's my natural color) So yall when I come back to school my hair will be brown.....:/ not too sure about how it's going to turn out. and i'm supposed to be getting a linc. but i've got to find a linc first....but anyways I guess that's it for now not too much going on....LYL

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