Kennel Challenge Fic: For Life

Jun 19, 2006 12:29

For Life
By minnow_53

Rating: NC-17, for graphic sex, oh my!
Warnings: Strange pacing and a veritable feast of clichés. This may offend some people.
Challenge: Subverting Fandom (Challenge #2)
Summary: Sirius has more than one secret that Remus simply mustn’t find out.
AN: I wrote this in thirty seconds, so plz b kind, kthnx.

Feedback is taken to the opera and licked from head to toe during the arias.

This is a fake cut to the_kennel. The challenge was to take a fandom cliché and switch it, e.g. Remus on a motorbike and Sirius working in a bookshop. No, I didn’t do that one. But there are a lot of clichés in here, reversed and otherwise.

(Sirius Black was a shy, secretive boy...)

humour, mwpp, crack, challenge_fic, satire

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