The Potters At Home
minnow_53 Disclaimer: These characters belong to JK Rowling and various corporations.
Pairing: Harry/Ginny, Harry/?
Summary: Witch World calls them the perfect couple. But Harry is seeing someone else, and Ginny is in love with the bottle.
Rating: PG-13
AN: This was written for the Fabulous No-Pressure Laissez-Faire
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And about Harry/Draco...I know it's kind of the way that LJ goes, but I'm usually not one to jump to the slash relationship, you know? I usually accepts characters described as straight AS straight. Which may not always be correct, but whatever; fanfic's the writer's prerogative.
And seriously, you are a lovely writer. This was perfectly moody and American Beauty-esque, and just seems like such a realistic version of what Harry as an adult would be like. I always got the vibe from him that Ron and Hermione were his best friends, and no one would ever be closer to him than they--that he might love other people, but he'd often prefer solitude to their company. Which would be exceptionally frustrating if you were his wife.
I really thought that Luna "got" Harry
Yes, so do I! The main flaw in the books, which obviously I do think are brilliant, is that JKR sometimes doesn't let her characters develop the way they want to. Harry/Luna seemed so right, but Rowling had planned to pair him off with Ginny, so that was what she did, in spite of minimal chemistry there, to my mind. Same with Remus and Tonks: it was too much of an agenda. *gets off soapbox*
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