Nov 06, 2011 22:21
This entry is inspired by Brenda, Jiamin and Liying's friend. I don't know her personally; I only know how she looks like and that's it. So why would this entry be inspired by her? You might be wondering. I was actually blog-hopping and arrived at her blog. Her entries were mainly written in Chinese, and for that, I was really impressed. Her command of Chinese is really good and what struck me most was her reflective entries. Her post on some Taiwan awards ceremony whereby some rookie actually won the most sought-after award from all the other famous MCs was a relatable and yet striking example of how hard work can really bring you to where you want to be. Surely, there will be many others who will be a wet blanket and discourage you in pursuing your dream, telling you that it would be impossible because it's too difficult, or that there are too many people better than you out there who will definitely beat you to it. It is THESE PEOPLE who are pussies, who do not dare to take the bold step out to pursue their dreams because they were so intimidated by people whom they think are better than them. So what if there are people who are better? People who are better ALWAYS exist. So does it mean that you should start wallowing in self-pity and waste your life away? No, right? Just because they're better doesn't mean you can never defeat them. Put in even more hard work than they do! Always have this humility to seek improvement and never be complacent. As long as you believe you can do it, you will achieve your goal. It doesn't matter how many times you've fallen, because you need to fall to learn. The more you fall, the more impactful your success will be, and the more you will cherish this success because you have failed so many times and have been hurt so much that your body has been scarred. You need to feel pain to know what happiness feels like. It's the same thing. You need to fail. Failing is essential for success. Did you think that Steve Jobs got to where he was from the very moment he started doing business? NO. Steve Jobs had failed so many times in his previous businesses before he entered Apple to undertake the role of the CEO. The reason for his success in Apple? The many failures he had before taught him how to do business.
The fact that Brenda actually fought hard to realise her dream is very admirable, and I feel so motivated to pursue mine. I actually feel extremely touched that she is one step closer to her dream, and I don't know why but I teared. I think it is partly because I am ashamed at how unmotivated I am now and how I am always paying lip service--talking about how I want to be a forensics linguist but never really doing anything to pursue it. I give up when things get tough, and when other people are having an easier time studying for the modules because somehow they just get the content. I should stop feeling unfair for myself, because what I am doing now is unfair to myself. I should ignore how little effort other people put in, because it doesn't concern me. I should be concerned instead, over how much effort I must and need to put in to achieve my desired results. I should not be disheartened at the undesirable results I got in my first try because you need to fail in order to learn and become even better.
I always believed that people who progress slower and fail even more times than others will ultimately turn out better than those who have always been successful. Because they struggle so much more, they get to see and know themselves even more, and they have so much more experience too. They will not be as fearful as those who have always been successful when they fail, and they get even stronger when they pick themselves up. It is these scars of failure that toughen us up.
God will never put us through anything he isn't sure we are able to overcome. So believe in God, and yourself.