Title: Super Junior Family??! Not...
Pairing: Super Junior Norm couples. [Kyumin, Haehyuk/Eunhae, Yewook, Hanchul, Kangteuk, Zhoury]
Genre: Fluff, humor, drama
Author: minnieshinee
Warning: Yaoi [boyXboy] If you don't like a boy & boy relationship i suggest you stop reading right here. STOP! If you do, keep reading please~ ^-^
Summary: This is the life of 13 boys (Zhoumi & Henry will be in later on in the story) who everyone knows as Super Junior. When they say Super Junior, you think, oh the family of 13. Well, not exactly a family, if you think about it. They can't have girlfriends and they can't date, so what do they do about it? This is the story of the life of Super Junior behind closed doors. Let's start from the beginning...
+ Next day in the dorms +
Donghae woke up the next day feeling dizzy and groggy. He
didn’t feel the nice and soft covers of his bed. Instead he sat up with an ache
in his back. He looked around but blocked his eyes from the bright sun. Once
his eyes were focused everything started to come into view, his members were
sprawled out on the floor, legs tangled together, and worst of all bodies
stacked on top of each other.
‘oh my god.’ He thought as his eyes widened. He rubbed his
eyes and tried to get up but something was stopping him.
Donghae’s eyes traveled down slowly to the lower part of his
body. He doesn’t remember anything about Eunhyuk crashing with him on the
couch. All he knows is that Eunhyuk is comfortably clinging onto his waist at
the moment.
“Hyukkie wake up…” he said as low as possible because he
doesn’t want anyone else to get up.
‘Looks like I’ll have to carry him to bed. ‘
That’s what he did. Donghae carefully put Eunhyuk on his
back and made his way to their bedroom.
He tucked the monkey into bed and made himself cozy in his
own bed. He could have just shared one with his Hyukkie but he didn’t want the
boy to freak out. He’ll just have to wait a little longer.
‘Yeah, a little longer…’
+ With Sungmin & Kyuhyun +
(Sungmin’s POV.)
That’s the best sleep I’ve gotten in forever. Hmm the sun is
so bright that I had to squint for a while. It seems late and I usually don’t
sleep in. I guess today is an exception.
“Good morning.” I froze. Please don’t tell me this is real.
Omg, that must be Kyuhyun. Who else could it be?
I turned my head to where Kyuhyun was next to me and I think
my heart just did a flip. He was so freaking close to my face. Just inches
Then the impossible happened. He kissed me. My eyes grew
planet size.
“Finally you’re up.” He said as it was normal.
“W-What-“ he smiled and it was the most beautiful thing I
ever saw.
“You don’t remember? Well if it weren’t for you last night I
would have never realized what I had for you but I’m glad you did.” Huh? Was I
supposed to remember something? Something that only happens in my dreams is
happening right now and I don’t know what I did to make it this way.
“You were drunk yesterday and I carried you here. When I tried
to get you to sleep you kissed me and now you belong to me. I even marked you.
If you don’t believe be go look in the mirror.” I quickly got up and rushed to
the bathroom.
I looked in the mirror and searched for this mark. I looked
everywhere and I found it on my neck it was a purple hickey! Right now I’m
probably the most happiest guy on earth right now. I smiled touching the mark
on my neck. I felt two arms wrap around my waist as I was not paying attention.
“You’re mines now…Sungmin.” I looked at him with eyebrows
raised. “Oh I decided to drop the formalities with you. It’s weird calling your
boyfriend hyung.”
I looked down shyly at him calling me his boyfriend. Ah…this
is a dream come true.
“Okay…now get out! I need to take a shower.” I pushed him
out and closed the door. I leaned against the wall. My heart is pounding so
I need to tell Donghae! But…he might still be asleep. Maybe
+ End of POV.+
Everything seems to be right now. How about when they go for
interviews or press conferences? Their schedules and their fans? What will
happen if something goes wrong? Super Junior has to be strong no matter what.