Mister Lee [2/?]

May 21, 2010 01:28

Title: Mister Lee
Author: me! :)
Rating: R
Chapter: 2/?
Pairing: 2MIN (more in the future)
Summary: Minho has no idea that his life was going to be changed by a certain someone named, Mister Lee.


Minho kept fidgeting as he sat next to the unconscious Taemin. The boy had been watching his new homeroom teacher for the last hour. The young teacher kept moaning something that was incomprehensible to his student. Minho did manage to make out “Jonggie” and nothing else. He slowly replaced the wet towel on top of his teacher’s forehead and dipped it back in the cold water.

Taemin’s body had been burning up ever since Minho carried him out of the shower. His mother was terrified and forced her son to stay with the young teacher. Minho was not sure if he loved or despised his job. On the one hand, he got to stare at Taemin’s pretty features without anyone knowing. On the other hand, an uncomfortable heat was spreading throughout his body. The worst part about it all was that most of the heat went straight to his pants whenever a moan would escape Taemin’s plump lips.

Taemin’s eyelids began to flutter before he opened his eyes. Minho quickly straightened himself up and almost held his breath as his teacher ever so slowly focused his eyes on Minho.

“W..w…who are you?” Taemin asked weakly.

“Oh great, this is just awkward.” Minho thought and scratched his head. “Umm…my name is Choi Minho. I’m in your class, Teacher Lee.”

“Choi Minho…” Taemin’s voice drifted off as he squeezed his eyes shut.

Minho wondered why he was a little disappointed that Teacher Lee didn’t remember him. But before his thoughts could take him any further, the said teacher suddenly sat up.

Minho did not know what to say or think when Taemin began staring at him. His eyes traveled up and down the boy as if he’s a piece of meat. What happened next was so beyond the level of Minho’s comprehension that his brain might as well have exploded then and there.

Taemin literally pounced the unsuspecting highschooler and licked his lips seductively. With the back of his hand, the young teacher stroked the cheek of his terrified student and purred, “You look so delicious, Choi Minho. I want to eat you up.”

Minho’s heart did several somersaults and leaps in his chest. He wondered if this was considered child molestation, and yet he didn’t want his teacher to stop.

“What’s wrong, little puppy? You look scared. Are you afraid to be eaten?” Taemin’s lips traced the outline of Minho’s strong jaw. He planted kisses at the inviting spots on his neck and sucked greedily.

Minho groaned as he became lost to Taemin’s hands and lips. The heat building up in both of their bodies became unbearable. He lifted Taemin’s shirt and let his hand roamed the hidden marble skin.

Taemin’s lips made their way up the boy’s chin and landed themselves on Minho’s lips. He attacked them mercilessly and forced his tongue to take everything that was Minho’s. The latter hesitated at first, but only briefly before he was swept away by the rawness and neediness of their first kiss. “Minho…” Taemin breathed ever so gently over his lips.

The call of his name suddenly forced Minho back to reality. Panic rose as he felt Taemin’s nimble hands made their way near his crotch. “Stop!” Minho croaked and pushed off the surprised man. They were both breathing heavily from their makeout session and flushed in the face. “I’m sorry…I…I…can’t.” Minho quickly got up and stumbled towards the door.

“Please, don’t go. I’m scared…” Taemin’s soft, quavering voice stopped Minho in his tracks. “Please, stay…please…I’ll be good. I promise…” He began sobbing and pulled his legs towards himself.

Minho found no desire nor will to leave the crying man. Instead, he locked the door and made his way back to Taemin’s crying form. “Hey, it’s okay. I won’t go, so don’t cry.” He patted the latter’s back gently and sat down next to him.

Taemin sobbed even harder as he threw himself into Minho’s arms. The younger was thoroughly confused about his teacher. His personality switch from weak and innocent to seductive animal and back made no sense to Minho. But, he couldn’t help but feel sorry for the crying man in his arms. He looked exactly like a boy who had done something wrong and was now begging for forgiveness, instead of a full-grown man teaching at a highschool.

“It’s okay, stop crying, Teacher Lee.” He patted his hair and sighed.

Taemin looked up at Minho with his wet puppy eyes and asked, “You’re not mad at me, right? Right, Minho?”

Minho swallowed hard as Taemin’s face kept getting closer to his. He had to admit that Key was right about Mister Lee. How could he possibly learn from him when he looked like this? How could he possibly concentrate when all he could think about was how much he wanted to kiss him? And before he could stop himself, Minho started kissing away Taemin’s tears. He kept on kissing him, even though it was obvious that the latter was no longer crying.

The two resumed their heavy kissing in a matter of seconds. Minho didn’t even pretend to hesitate when Taemin pulled him down to the mattress pad. Their clothes were soon discarded and their bodies fully exposed. Minho was surprised when he found himself on top of Taemin in a very possessive and sexual manner. But the younger boy threw away all of his morals and restraints when his teacher bit his lips and whispered, “I want you to take me now.”

The lewd moans and gasps that came out of Taemin were like fuel feeding into Minho’s sexual ecstasy. Minho couldn’t stop as he drove himself in and out of Taemin’s receptive body. Their last scream for climax had to muffled by each other’s mouths to avoid unnecessary drama from the neighbors.

Taemin soon curled himself up close to Minho’s still sweaty body. His fingers ghosted over the boy’s chest and whispered softly, “I told you I would eat you up.” With that, he fell asleep right in Minho’s arms.

The latter chuckled but wondered if the whole crying thing was a charade to make him stay. Whatever it was, Minho was glad to be spending the night with Taemin. He settled on worrying about the consequences when morning comes.


And of course, morning did come. Minho was greeted by the loudest scream he had ever heard before.

“Ahh! Oh my god! Oh my god!” Taemin scrambled as far away from Minho’s naked body as possible. He pulled the blanket over his own body protectively and stared at Minho with eyes that screamed, “You raped me.”

Minho was too confused and lost to respond properly. He instinctively grabbed the nearby pillow and covered himself. Not that it made any sense since they both have seen everything last night already.

“Why are we…?! What happened?! How?!” Taemin pointed an accusing finger at the embarrassed boy across from him.

“What do you mean ‘how?’ We had sex last night…” Minho was cut-off by loud knocks on the door.

“Minho? Mister Lee? Are you two awake? Is everything alright?” Mrs. Choi called out.

“Yes, umma! Everything’s fine! I’ll be right out!” Minho yelled and pulled on his clothes as fast as he could. He turned to face Taemin who was still shaking and scared on the floor, “Do you suffer from short-term memory loss or something?”

“I…I…” Taemin stuttered.

“Well, you were the one who came onto me last night. When you do remember, maybe we can talk about it. Unless, you’d prefer to forget about it. Anything’s fine with me…” Minho’s voice was laced with pain but his face was covered by his long bangs. He stormed out of Taemin’s room without looking back.


Minho dreaded homeroom like none other. He was good at acting cool, but pretending that he did not just lose his virginity last night was tough. It’s even tougher when the person he lost it to will be standing in front of him in a few minutes.

The whole class seemed excited to see Teacher Lee again. The girls were doing their make-up, and Key was not so secretly checking his hair with a huge compact mirror.

The bells rang, signaling homeroom period. The students clamored to their seats and waited expectantly for their teacher.

The said teacher finally arrived looking even more disheveled and nervous than yesterday. The girls whispered, “He’s so shy! It’s cute!” Key snickered but his gaze was not mocking. Minho stared down at his desk and not once looked up throughout the entire period.

After what felt like an eternity, homeroom was over. The students piled out to lunch with Minho in the lead. “Wait, Minho-sshi!” Mister Lee called out. Everyone stopped and stared, which annoyed Minho to no end. “Could I speak to you for a second?” He sounded nervous but adamant.

Key raised his eyebrows at his best friend, and the latter pretended to shrug. “I’ll wait for you outside,” Key mouthed before leaving the room.

Minho took a deep breath before turning to face his teacher. He frowned when he noticed that the other was looking at the floor, ceiling, window, and everywhere except straight at him, “Listen, Minho-sshi, I just wanted to apologize about umm…umm…”

“It’s fine, don’t worry about it.” Minho’s voice was cold.

“It’s still my fault. You see, I’m…I’m not normal…” Taemin sighed and closed his eyes, “I have this problem where at night I’m not myself. I do very silly things and can’t remember them for the life of me when morning comes. I’m terribly sorry you had to get involve.” He mustered up his courage to look up at his student. His mouth dropped slightly when he saw Minho’s teary eyes.
“So, you really don’t remember? And, all of that was a mistake?” Minho’s voice was hoarse.

“I’m…I’m sorry…I…” But before Taemin could finish, Minho ran out of the room. He knew he couldn’t chase after him and make a scene. All he could do was sink into his seat and cover his own face in sadness and shame.


It didn’t take Key very long before he found Minho sitting in a quiet corner of the school. He witnessed his tall friend running out of the classroom with visible tears in his eyes. He sighed and sat down next to him with a worried expression, “What happened, Minho? Come on, you know you can’t keep it from me for long anyways. So, spill.”

Key was patient and quiet throughout the story. Of course, he nearly did a backflip when Minho said he slept with Teacher Lee. But seeing his friend’s sad face, he decided to delay his usual overdramatic reactions for later, “So, you’re pretty heartbroken because he doesn’t remember you two did it last night.”

“I’m not heartbroken, dammit! I hardly know him, it’s not like I love him.” Minho cursed and kicked the nearby trashcan. He caught Key’s eyes and cursed again, “I’m not! Don’t look at me like that!”

“Alright, alright, don’t get your panties in a knot,” Key rolled his eyes, “But, it’s still obvious that you’re mad about the fact that he doesn’t remember anything. Teacher Lee is weird though, unless he was heavily intoxicated, how could he forget? Unless…”

“Unless what?” Minho frowned hard.

“Unless, you were so bad that he forced it out of his memories forever.” Key suffered from several punches after saying that and had to beg for forgiveness before Minho stopped.

“Okay! I kid! I kid!” Key groaned from the pain, “Jesus, when did you suddenly become so sensitive?”

“Shut up, Key. I’m going home.” Minho threw on his backpack and started walking away.

“Hey! Wait up! You ain’t ditching school without me!” Key rushed to follow his friend.

When they were almost to Minho’s house, Key suddenly smacked the taller boy in the back, “Yah! I just thought of something!”

“Huh?” Minho was not excited to hear about any of Key’s plans. Most of the times, they lead to disasters.

“Just wait here! Let me go grab some stuffs and I’ll be right back!” With that, the boy ran off as quickly as he could.


“This is a huge mistake.” Minho said flatly.

“No! It’s not! It’s a great idea! It’s a Key idea!” Key grinned proudly at his handiwork.

“We could get into so much trouble if he finds out.” Minho crossed his arms.

“Oh, please, there’s no way he would find out. Now, all we have to do is sit back and watch the magic.” Minho and Key went back to Minho’s room and settled in front of Key’s laptop. Soon, they were staring Taemin’s empty room through the laptop’s screen. “The hidden camera is ingenious. I’m so proud of myself for coming up with something like this,” Key stroked his own ego, “Now, we just wait until he comes back at night and see if he really turns into a different person. If not, then we know he’s lying. If he does, then maybe I should take advantage of that.”

Minho shot Key a menacing look, who in return just smiled apologetically, “Alright, I’m kidding, I know it’s your turf.”

Minho sighed and shook his head, “But, how do we know if he turns into a different person if he’s just by himself?”

“Uhh…I don’t know…should we get a bait…?” Key scratched his chin thoughtfully.

“Bait? What kinda bait?” Minho inquired.

“Got some porno magazine or movies, Minho-yah?” Key asked sweetly as if he was asking for candy.

“What?! No!” Minho face grew hot.

“Oh, shut up. All boys have some sort of porno hidden around. Where’s yours? We need it!” Key began searching Minho’s room freely.

“What? But, why? I don’t get it.” Minho groaned.

“Ah hah! The classic under the bed strategy, eh? I’m surprised your mom hasn’t found them already.” Key rummaged through the collection of dirty magazines while Minho was failing to take them away from his best friend, “Perfect! One full of boys! Wow, Minho, I guess this is when we have our awkward 'coming out of the closet' confession.” Key’s smirk grew as Minho’s face got redder and redder.

“No! It’s not like that! I got curious one day. That’s it!” Minho stammered and nearly died from embarrassment.

“Yeah, yeah, and curiosity killed the cat. Or, perhaps, in your situation, killed the virginity,” Key exited Minho’s room and walked back to their teacher’s room, “Anyhow, we need this to see whether or not our dear Teacher Lee would turn into a complete pervert at night.” He hid the magazine next to Taemin’s beddings and made sure that the teacher would find it at night.

“I still don’t get what this would prove, Key.” Minho said as they sneaked out of their teacher’s room once again.

“Oii, my slow and idiotic friend, get with the program,” Key threw himself onto Minho’s bed and flipped open his laptop, “It’ll simply take too long to try and explain my masterplan, so I’ll just let you see the result and explain then.”

“Sounds like you don’t know what you’re doing.” Minho accused him.

“Oh, your lack of trust in me is distressing. Just watch and see, Minho-yah. And I bet, we’re in for quite a show tonight.” Key turned and winked at his best friend. Minho knew deep down that Key knew exactly what he was doing, but Minho was just too afraid to find out.


Author's note: I hope you guys are liking the story! The story's going to get quite a bit steamier as we go along. =P

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