Mar 11, 2004 00:48
(happy sigh) I love Spring Break. We (Rebekah, Nicole, and I) just came back from the beach. It was really fun--and funny. Nicole and Rebekah, being the northerners they are (ok, Nicole I know you're from North Carolina, but that's north for us), were determined to stake it out at the beach--regardless of the weather. It was a beautiful day on Tuesday, no doubt about it. However, the wind speed was like 20 mph!! We were all getting pelted by sand; sand was in my mouth, my ears, everywhere. We couldn't leave our towels or else they would blow away, and the water was FREEZING cold. But did we leave? No. No, we had to look like idiots while people in sweatshirts and pants walked by us giving weird looks as we laid out in our bathing suits, calmly putting sunscreen on acting like nothing was unusual. However, we survived, and the pictures won't show the true story: us freezing our tails off. Then, after we leave and I was turning on the heat in the car and just starting to warm up, Rebekah suggests that we get ICE CREAM. (shaking head)...If only Emory had spring break when it was actually beach weather. But alas. It was still a great time to be had by all. The drive was my favorite part. We listened to every CD under the sun and belted out Mariah Carey. It was also funny to hear Rebekah's reaction to Alabama: "wow, fruit farmer stands actually exist?" and "they really don't call it the Bible Belt for nothing, do they?"....I thoroughly enjoyed it, minus the actual beach part. That's all for now.