Dec 18, 2008 17:28
It's really easy to get distracted by one's own personal wants and problems-especially in times of stress or drama. Being selfish is an easy habit to stumble into. As people, everyone has rough days and moments when it seems like everything is going against them. But on another level, things can go too far and yes, it's a rather dark and scary time, but it's also extremely narrow minded and silly. I think that it's okay to have problems, and to have the need for attention and acknowledgment, but it's even more important to step back and take a look at everything. School, work, friends, shit, and more shit--is it really all that bad?? Dissecting and digesting... is much better than swallowing all at once and getting heart burn! (Clever, huh?)
There's a lack of appreciation for all the support around you, whoever you are.
Instead of feeling like everything is falling apart and crushing you, try embracing people, and stepping outside of your personal shit storm. There are a million different worlds outside of your own.
Remember that you are loved.
But don't forget to love back... because it's really important and it's easy to forget.
I'm sorry I forgot.