Mar 24, 2004 21:54
jen was right, cant believe how egocentirc i am! tho in fairness it is a lj, bout ur life, so im entitled to tit i suppose :$ funny that 'he' is so far, not like i obsess over guys or anything is it? :p also how 'how' and 'much' r the same number, must use them together all the time. oooh,thats v. clever :p
Username: minnie2000angel Total words: 16479
i 535 him 127 about 69
to 481 my 121 have 69
and 480 for 121 out 69
the 477 on 111 time 65
was 260 at 109 as 65
a 254 really 95 his 65
it 253 all 95 got 63
he 235 we 94 not 62
so 223 be 93 im 61
me 203 up 87 then 61
of 200 you 86 been 58
in 197 is 85 one 57
but 182 this 79 day 56
that 150 n 79 when 55
just 144 its 75 how 54
with 138 like 74 much 54