Potter theory.......going Potty?? :)

Jan 23, 2003 21:43

I want to run this past anyone interested in Harry Potter and see what sort of response I might get (glutton for punishment??

I think, and rather strongly, that Lucius isnt all he appears to be.

1. I think that Lucius is the 'real' spy in Voldies group, given that the fact that everyone 'knows' Snape is a spy and thus, not a very good one. Snape also tried to shut Harry up in GOF when Harry tried to tell everyone that Lucius is a Deatheater.

2. I also strongly feel that Lucius is also Harrys secret keeper (the last person you would suspect and thus the best person for the job) This would also explain why Harry has to go back to the Dursleys........Voldie cant find him there because there is a secret spell over the house!

I also have a theory about James Potter. I stongly think he used to be a deatheater. What else could be the shattering secret that Dumbledore is to tell Harry in OOTP......think about it, James is a pure blood (perfect, tick) while Lily was a mudblood. Maybe James was a deatheater until he fell in love and married Lily....maybe he was killed for betraying Voldie!

Maybe im way off the mark with both ideas but at least its food for thought. ;)

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