So many things...

Jun 30, 2017 21:16

14 years ago...14 years! How has it been 14 years? 14 years ago I got in my little Toyota Echo, packed to the brim with things with enough room for just me. I got in my car and headed west, not really knowing what was in store for me. Believe it or not, I didn't know that I had passed my initial teaching tests that would allow me into the program! It was a huge risk. I could have failed miserably. I knew only a handful of people and, let's face it, I didn't have a ton of money. But regardless I took a risk. I had no teaching background and no certification. However, I was going to teach children with disabilities.

Last week I defended my dissertation. I am now Dr. Jennifer A. Holbrook, PhD. How weird is that? I truthfully don't think I could have ever in a million years imagined this. That day when I started my car and drove out of New Hampshire. I cried for the first state. Then I said that this was my calling and I was going to do it.

Today I signed the paperwork to become the new School Administrator (principal) at a school here in Florida. I will be the person in charge of the school. The buck LITERALLY stops with me. ME?!?!?!?!?!

I've been really nostalgic over the past couple of weeks while I finished my dissertation, wrote the acknowledgements and dedication. It has been eye opening. I look at who my friends are now and who they were then. I look at relationships that have come and gone. Students, families, parents, siblings...births, much has happened.

I'm happy to say though, I'm here...and I have my doctorate...and that's just weird. Thank you all so much for being on this wild ride.
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