Info dump la la la...

Apr 30, 2009 10:51

Amber Atkins:
  • Is your basic everyday teen.
  • She's fun, bouncy, and pretty much says whatever is on her mind.
  • Not much for drama but won't back down from trash talk either.
  • Loves to flirt with guys. It amuses her even if she doesn't mean anything by it.
  • Has so many best friends and loves them all.
  • She's super easy to talk to and will talk ramble to anyone.
  • Is currently dating Liir Thropp.
  • Is graduating and leaves after first half of summer.

Penelope Wilhern:
  • First off, she has the nose of a pig. She never wears her scarf anymore.
  • She is shy, soft spoken, and finds everything around her wonderful.
  • Naive and innocent, she makes friends easy, especially if her facial features are not an issue.
  • Her appearance is the cause of a curse and she'll most likely tell you about it now that she's opened up some since coming to Fandom.
  • Engaged to Edward Humphrey Vanderman the third, and at her mothers insistence. She broke it off, but is engaged again, and this is very much a secret from her friends at Fandom.
  • Loves friends and people and is incredibly curious about most everything.
  • Hurley is her best friend, and she's going to be miserable after her roommate, Claire, leaves.

Johnny Storm:
  • He can fly, flame up without causing injury or harm to another and la la la. Check his profile for more firey goodness if you like.
  • Has an ego the size of Texas. Or larger. Depending on who you ask. He knows it and is cocky about it, though not so much anymore since he has a girlfriend. She's somewhat tamed him.
  • Girlfriend is Savannah Levine. He is very much in love with her.
  • He's friendly, loyal, and very protective.
  • He'll tell you Chris Halliwell is his BFF if asked.
  • He is graduating and leaving the island the end of summer

Prince Edward:
  • He is a cheerfully handsome, musically inclined prince from Andalasia!
  • He is cheerful! Ah-hah!
  • Where he lacks intellectually, he makes up for in happiness! Oh, Joy!
  • Yes, he is not very bright.
  • He loves love!
  • Has awesome skills with a sword not to mention fancy foot work.
  • Is currently dating Adora whom he is very fond of.
  • Is a loyal and just friend; protective to a fault.
  • If he does not know you, you are a peasant, therefore perhaps in league with the old hag who stole his Giselle.
  • Er, he no longer cares for Giselle!
  • All in all, Prince Edward is a doofy, likeable guy, with extreme amounts of energy.

character info dump

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