Rm 409 - Sunday afternoon

Apr 19, 2009 14:48

"...I don't know, ma, really," Amber told her ma for the hundreth time now.

"Oh, come on now, Amber, I know you're wantin' somethin'. And I figure I can just give it to you when I see you for graduation," her ma said.

"Is Loretta coming too?" Amber asked.

"Yah, you betcha she is. I couldn't keep her from comin' if I tied her ass to a goddamn lawn chair..."

"Ma, I want her to come. Just... you know, tell her the entire male popluation here is off limits, okay?"

"Oh, Amber, for cryin' out loud, you act like she...Okay yah, I see your point. I'll tell her. Now, about your birthday. What do you want and if you tell me socks again I'm going to have to kick your ass."

Amber rubbed her temple. "Surprise me?"

"Oh, yah! Okay, you betcha. I can do that."

"I've got to go ma. I'll see you in a couple weekends, okay?"

"Okay, okay. Love ya monkey."

"Love you, ma."

Snapping her cell shut, she fell back on her bed one hand behind her head, and stared up at the ceiling. She wasn't exactly looking forward to graduation.

[Can be open, sure, though I'm liable to be slow at times.]


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