Apr 14, 2010 22:41
I'm grateful she had her stroke while I was home. I'd only been home for an hour, and I don't even think about what Rory's reaction might have been to Kyah thrashing around panicked because she couldn't figure out which way was up, let alone how to get up. Heck, it was bad enough for Rory to have Kyah thrashing and both Kyah and me close to panic since neither one of us knew what was happening.
I'm grateful she did this on a Saturday, while my nextdoor neighbors were home and I had a friend over. My friend was able to hold Kyah still and keep her calm while I asked my neighbors to have one drive me and Kyah while the other one followed in their car to avoid stranding them at the ER while I was there. My friend also kept Kyah quiet while I configured the Element for emergency transport which meant dismantling the kitchen crate (and removing the tons of crud that were sitting on it) and getting it to the car.
I'm grateful that Rory is the best puppy on the planet and didn't try to jump Kyah while she was thrashing. Rory has also been remarkably tolerant of less exercise and attention than she usually gets. I'm grateful that Rory respects babygates even when they're just propped in doorways and could easily be knocked out of the way.
I'm grateful that CRVS took me seriously when I said Kyah is an MDR1 mutant and cannot tolerate Ace. They took very good care of Kyah and even put in their notes that she was very sweet.
I'm grateful that Kyah does seem to appreciate when people are trying to help her in a crisis.
I'm grateful that the weather has been decent and my difficulty in opening and shutting doors while carrying 45lbs of dog has been nearly a moot point in terms of keeping heat in and rain out.
I'm grateful that I had to learn how to give SQ fluids on a client's cat and thus feel reasonably comfortable giving them to Kyah. She's much, much easier than the cat was, and her skin seems much easier to puncture with the needle.
I'm grateful that she is coming back so quickly from this. She didn't eat very well today, but I'll try a different meat tomorrow. Maybe she's bored.