Bit of an image dump bear with me!
This Cafeteria worker followed our sims from SSU to Academie La Tour (hereafter to be referred to as ALT). I decided she should take a very early retirement. *evilcackle*
Just the four of us. We can make it if we try! Just the four of us. And some pie.
Lizelle preceded to unabashed wolf whistle Lukas in Felicie's room. He was of course in there for no other reason. *cough*computerthief*cough*
The grilled cheese obsession continues...
Lukas: Yes! Yes my pretties! Eat of the nectar of the gods. Or the LSD I laced in there... That works too.
Lukas: Become one with the cheese. Moooooooooooooooo...
Felicie: Yeah, he's cracked his gourd. I better study hard because he's completely useless now.
Liz: Hey look guys! I'm surfing!
Lizelle Herbert you are at ALT now not SSU. This is not a party college. I advise you to stop riding that couch like it's a surf board this instant!
Awkward "friendship" sequence over. I swear she kept rolling to admire and nigh grope him for hours. While still remaining in the moraill quadrant. But just barely.
Rosalia: Who me? *flutterlashes*
Lukas: It was horrible! I was this close to-
Felicie: Having sex? Poor you. *innerfacepalm*
Lukas: Bluh! I'm a vampire now. Surely she won't want to grope a half frozen corpse of a man.
Knowing Rosalia, that is not a problem. But more importantly, you are just cold from standing outside like an idiot for hours playing chess or some such thing.
Lukas: I want to tell you- I'm picking up what you're throwing down and I'm not adverse if you wish to maybe go-
Rosalia: Play cards? I'd love too!
Lukas (thinking): Bluh! Bluh! Huge Bitch!
Fel: Yeah! I got you bird! I got you bird!
Athena (Lukas named and bought her): Are you really going to do a Cher thing? Oh excuse me I meant the forgettable one, what's his name? Whatever, shit doesn't matter. But you better feed me! There's not gonna be another Pandapocalypse womrat incident.
Rosalia painted both of their portraits. She got Arts and Crafts as a favourite hobby and I thought why the hell not?!
Rosalia: It's not too green is it? I want it to be perfect since it's a gift.
Lukas: What do I care? You are probably going to give it to some hot vampire man... or woman. I can never tell with you!
Townie I vamped to see if I could get her to die. (She had missing eyes. Not that I need a reason!) SHe's still not dead. Not dead-dead anyway!
Lukas: Sim God! Why do you hate me! This is just the thing I need! Competition... I mean, not that I care or anything.
Obviously... *eyerollsoutofsockets*
Lukas: Oh Athena! You are the only bird I'll ever need~!
Athena: First off man! You named me a girl's name when I'm a male bird. Second off- No that's pretty much it. You can't understand my advice anyway. OTL!
Now Lizelle still has a few semesters to go but that the final score for these three!
Rosalia makes all the pretties. Lukas is jealous (of what even he doesn't know). Felicie has finally gotten a smack talkin' bird of her very own. And Lizelle... well she's a work in progress.
TATA! That's all for now!
Bonus Picture: