Letter 3

Oct 06, 2011 08:03

Title: Letter 3
Author: minnabird
Claim: My strange AU
Fandom: Harry Potter
Table:  2
Prompt: 57, Cage
Warnings: AU, Mild Profanity, Strong Profanity
Word count: 528
Summary: Sirius elaborates on just what the spell is meant to keep out.
Disclaimer/Claimer: The world and characters (except any OCs who pop up) aren't mine, they're JKR's, but I took *cough* a few liberties with her history.
A/N: This is probably a few days after Letter 2. Also, text block of doom again, I'm sorry. I just can't see Sirius doing the paragraphs thing.

Written for letter100; Index of letters here.

Prongs This is for all of you because I know James is just going to read it out anyway and you all need to know this.

London is a great bloody cage now, or as good as. The spell doesn’t hold anyone in, but going outside it is dangerous now. Voldemort’s gone and made nice with the giants and promised them free range of the rest of the country. There was a report of a dragon in Swindon (but I haven’t heard if there’s any truth to it) and a couple of giants started the party early by smashing a few buildings in Hounslow. Muggles definitely noticed and word is Voldemort wasn’t happy. The spell went up a few hours later so no more of that in London. Almost certainly going to be trouble outside the city though. I’d watch out, do we know whether the Fidelius affects giants? Should do, as it affects house-elves, and they can get past a lot of protections, but I’m not sure that’s going to be much comfort if one just steps on your house because it’s in the way. Anyway, I’m pretty sure the Statute of Secrecy is moot now; the Muggle press might be able to reason away one giant, but if no one stops this (and probably no one will, if they haven’t stepped in to help already, and it’s not like the Confederation helped against Grindelwald either, no, that was up to Dumbledore who isn’t here anymore) they’re going to notice and realize there’s definitely something strange going on, no matter how thick Voldemort thinks they are. Does he realize that there are wizards out there too? Malfoy Manor isn’t too far off from Swindon, especially not if whatever happened there was a dragon (unlikely) or a giant (entirely possible).  No, fuck this logic, who am I, Remus? People are going to die. If something isn’t done fast, a lot of people are going to die. And I mean, Voldemort’s won and that’s fucking awful but I guess I was stupid enough to think he’d be happy with killing Muggleborns and we could carry on what we’ve been doing and just try to stop him or get them out. We can’t fight this. Not properly. Not in a way that we can stop really bad shit from happening. And I’m scared and sad and fucking furious and. How are we supposed to stop this? Hasn’t there been enough death already, can’t he just be satisfied with killing some of the best people I’ve known and a lot of other people I didn’t know at all but who really should have died in bed at an old age or some shit? I want to leave and come hide with you but I can’t because I need to help, we can’t do anything but we can at least try, we’re at least going to do that, and because I need to keep you informed. But I’m sick of doing what I should do. I know I chose it and I’m doing what needs doing and all that but this whole city is turning into Grimmauld Place and I can’t leave.

warning: mild profanity, warning: au, warning: strong profanity, type: fanfiction, story title: letters from the revolution, length: chaptered, chapter title: letter 3, status: incomplete, fandom: hp

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