I ordered my white poppies today.
I hope they arrive in time, as I would like people in Meeting to know that they can get some if they want them. Next year, I'd quite like to see whether I can promote them more widely.
I like the idea of mourning and respect but with active peace promotion. I'll post a little more on the topic in the upcoming days
http://www.ppu.org.uk/poppy/ 'if ye break faith with us who die' - the irony (probably unconscious on the part of the poet - I don't know enough about his life) of those poor committed, faithful guys being sent out as cannon fodder in what became a war of attrition and profiteering ... urgh
I've re-read Not So Quiet by Helen Zenna Smith this week. It seemed appropriate in the upcoming season. It was a fiction but based on someone's war diaries, then structured around the already famous Im Westen Nichts Neues (All Quiet on the Western Front) and present a woman's view of WWI.