DAIGO☆STARDUST to 'gate crash' DAIGO's 真夏の残響 / 今夜、ノスタルジアで release events this weekend

Jul 13, 2018 22:02

For better (or for worst ? xD) , today it was announced at the very last minute that DAIGO☆STARDUST this weekend will be 'gate crashing' DAIGO's Manatsu no Zankyou / Konya , Nostalgia de release events .

There will be some slight difference on what DAIGO☆STARDUST will be doing tomorrow & on Sunday but to say DAIGO☆STARDUST hasn't had enough fun yet is an understatement xD


Tomorrow / 14th July

Venue : Tokyo's Akishima Mori Town MOVIX Zen Garden Stage
Time : 4pm

Venue is the same place where DAIGO will be doing his Manatsu no Zankyou / Konya , Nostalgia de release event tomorrow prior to DAIGO☆STARDUST's last minute announced 'gate crashing' event .

14th July release event contents

Talk & Tokuten Kai

Public is free to watch the talk session be it if they plan or don't plan to take part in Tokuten Kai that will take place after the talk segment finish .

How to take part in Tokuten Kai

- Fans has to purchase Manatsu no Zankyou / Konya , Nostalgia de (apply to all 3 versions) at selective CD shops in Tokyo , Kanagawa , Saitama or they can buy tomorrow at Akishima Mori Town MOVIX Zen Garden Stage itself .

- Purchase of Manatsu no Zankyou / Konya , Nostalgia de will include 1 event participation ticket

Tokuten Kai consists of 3 options that fans can choose to select and/or want to do with DAIGO☆STARDUST :

1 event participation ticket - Spacey handshake -- shake DAIGO☆STARDUST's hands
2 event participation tickets - Spacey voice -- record DAIGO☆STARDUST's voice
3 event participation tickets - Spacey cheki -- take a 2 shot polaroid photo with DAIGO☆STARDUST

The Tokuten Kai contents for what DAIGO☆STARDUST did in the 2 Yatto Aitai Ne Kai... are the same except for the Spacey Voice which's only available tomorrow .

● Spacey handshake

- Fans are not allowed to give high touch / high 5 to DAIGO☆STARDUST

- Fans who want to shake DAIGO☆STARDUST's hands more than once , they have to requeue to do so

● Spacey voice

- Fans are allowed to select certain phrases from a few DAIGO☆STARDUST songs & DAIGO☆STARDUST can read 1 phrase among the choices given

- Fans are allowed to bring their own handphones/smartphones to record what DAIGO☆STARDUST says . Other IT devices are not allowed

- Fans are allowed to inform staff in advance on how DAIGO☆STARDUST would address each audio recording , name wise

If so , fans will be provided with white pieces of paper alongside with Event Participation Ticket(s) . The white pieces of paper will contain blank boxes & fans need to write down what name fans would like DAIGO☆STARDUST to say in the audio file

Name , surname & nickname are accepted . Character limit wise , 10 characters is the maximum

- Fans are not allowed to give high touch / hand shake to DAIGO☆STARDUST

- ZAIN RECORDS / Being staff will not be doing the audio recording on fans' behalf

- Fans who want to obtain more than 1 audio file from DAIGO☆STARDUST , they have to requeue to do so

● Spacey cheki

- 2 shot polaroid photo(s) with DAIGO☆STARDUST will be taken by the staff with them using a camera provided by ZAIN RECORDS / Being

- Fans are not allowed to use their own personal IT gadgets to take the polaroid photo(s) with DAIGO☆STARDUST

- While taking the 2 shot polaroid photo(s) with DAIGO☆STARDUST , fans are not allowed to have body contact with him such as shake his hand , hold his hand , touch his shoulder & etc

- In case the staff made a mistake while holding the camera in taking the polaroid photo (if the camera shakes) , a new photo will be taken without any penalty . However if the photo taken feature the fan's eyes closed , then a reshoot of a new photo is not allowed

15th July release event contents

1st Venue : Aichi's Asunal Kanayama Ashita Naru! Hiroba

2nd Venue : Osaka's Abeno Q's Mall 3rd Floor Sky Court

For this Sun , DAIGO☆STARDUST will only be doing Spacey Cheki & it will take place after DAIGO finished doing his release event(s) for Manatsu no Zankyou / Konya , Nostalgia de .

Also only for this weekend , fans are given a choice to have a cheki upgrade where the polaroid photo taken will be double in size .

This will be done by utilising an additional 2 Event Participation Tickets and staff will use a FUJIFILM instax WIDE 300 to take the polaroid photo(s) .

info - daigo (release event), info - web (daigo official), info - DAIGO☆STARDUST, info - cd single (daigo), info - solo (daigo)

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