
Apr 21, 2008 06:04

Ok, so I'm pissed.

My bf has two of his cousins and their friend staying at our house for a week. That's fine, whatever. He told me that they'd be not here that often, but in the last two days that's turned out not to be true. Except for today when they all went fishing, they've been at the house most of the time. I'd hang out with them, as I'm not a horrible bitch, but they don't speak english, just spanish, and I obviously speak no spanish. This however, is not the problem.

A little backstory. I've been on a horrible sleep schedule. I stay up way too late, and twice in the last two weeks have pulled all nighters in an attempt to rectify this. It didn't work.

Tonight, everyone (as in my online friends) went to bed around 2 am. Ok, that's cool. I'll try to go to sleep too. Nothing else better to do. So I get in bed, manage to pass out around 2.30. Hooray, sleeping at a semi reasonable time! Oh no. Around 4 am, since they (bf and cousins) are all drinking, they wake me up being loud. I get up, ask them nicely to be quiet, which they do, but the damage is done. I can't sleep now. So I get up and take a shower. And now here I am. It's 6 in the mother fucking morning, and I'm wide awake. Byebye sleep schedule. Thanks so much bf. You're just fucking PEACHY.


Everyday pushes me closer to saying fuck this, and going home.
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