Nov 17, 2007 17:10
We made an ornament today. Well, C made it--I just held a screaming baby the whole time. Yeah, we were interfering with nap time. Bad idea. But, Tishanna and her family came, and they made a Crimmah tree. We made a snowman, and if I do say so, C did a great job on it. He is so artistic and talented. I am not. Blah. Anyway, now after a 2 hour nap (and still counting for H), we are getting ready to go out to dinner. Nothing new there. I don't hate cooking, but I am not really thrilled at making something that takes 3 hours, and involves ingredients that usually add up to more than we would spend at a restaurant. Boo Rachel Ray, boo. So, that's it. Oh, I'm hungry.