Today was a good day.

Jul 31, 2016 22:39

Today was the first solidly, all-around, I-am-relaxed & enjoying myself day... for the ENTIRE day, in ... I dunno, months? Definitely the best day *this* month, in terms of things going well and me feeling good.

It definitely won't last, but I'm still glad to have had it. This week includes travel & other hard things. Impending work stuff, before getting on airplanes (ugh). Lots of time with family. John's memorial service. This was a respite. I wasn't sure I could achieve respite this week -- this week was TERRIBLE. Lots of difficult things that had to be handled, that I couldn't put off, very exhausting. I feel like I have insufficient resources to manage my life right now. Not that there are deficient resources; the amount of resources available to me is a completely reasonable amount. But there is SO MUCH NEED right now, that even a Good Quantity of resources is insufficient.

I do have an actual-facts real true vacation planned later this month. If I can make it through the next three weeks. :-)
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