(no subject)

Jun 22, 2012 16:37

So this week has brought some unexpected pitfalls with it (among other things, we're not looking at an apartment tonight after all); square one for everyone! Drinks all around! (Also, things I did not miss about New England: HOUSE CENTIPEDES AND THEIR RELATIONS. ONE TRIED TO SET UP SHOP INSIDE MY RAZOR HANDLE.)
But we're having company tomorrow, and I'm still not freaking out. All will be well, and all that.
And now, #FicFriday:

Red and Snow, the drums of war
It's obvious Snow's going to have to fight for what was once hers. Red wouldn't dream of letting her do it alone.

Ruby and Emma, allegiances
If Emma hadn't won Ruby's heart just by showing up from out of town, the stunt with the chainsaw cemented it for sure.

Claudia and Moist, kick up some dust
Having to get going fast is still intense, and she still can't believe Al sometimes, but at least she's more prepared now.

Phyllis, end of the road*
As soon as Jack says 'we retrieve dangerous objects,' Phyllis knows this is who she needs to talk to about the gun.

*This would be Phyllis as in one of my Warehouse 13 OCs; she showed up in Living in America, and I cannot write Rebecca-and-Jack-era Warehouse without her, now. Specifically, I've noodled over the last few days that her intro to Warehouse business was stumbling across a paper trail that led to John Brown's gun.

Claudia, World Cup
She wonders what Thomas Edison has to do with soccer until she digs deeper and hits 'Pele'; then the case makes more sense.
(Pele the soccer player's given name is Edison, according to Wikipedia. Couldn't resist playing with it.)

Apollo, destiny
All things must pass; Apollo knows that better than anyone. Doesn't make losing people he cares about hurt any less.

Claudia and Moist, when it works
"It only lasted one shot!"
"I said I'd make you a Tesla, Al. I never promised you'd be able to *do* much with it."

Ruby/Charles, I trust you
Some days, she's still amazed Charles trusts her, even knowing everything, and she'll never take that for granted.

Charles and Phyllis, who you love
She does wonder about Erik sometimes; he seems a bit fixated on revenge. But the only thing for it is to see where it goes.

More as it develops!

Originally posted at DW;
there. Comment wherever you'd like.

writing: fanfic, fannish: every curse can be broken, rp: rp shenanigans, fannish: snag it bag it tag it, fannish: discworld, rl: responsible adulthood, writing: #ficfriday

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