Moves Like Charile's Angels, Warehouse 13
"Okay, now that I know how hard this is," Claudia said as his target came back to them on the motorized track, "I'm impressed."
"I've done this a million times," Steve replied. He pulled it from the board, and the center rings on the target were shredded. "Or did you think I got into the ATF on my good looks alone?"
"If anyone could do it, it'd be you, Jinksy."
Won't Bring Me Home, Villains By Necessity
And yet there she was, getting ready to milk a cow. In a dress and an apron. Nothing like the dark outfits she would have worn for her second-story jobs, the trousers, the sensible clothes. She'd never seen the point of dresses except as disguises.
This time, the dress had hidden her true self. No, somehow something else had hidden her true self, that she'd slipped into this nightmare of complacency, of milk and cream and being a good girl with marriage prospects.
The Lives We'll Live, Warehouse 13
Today, though, she walks up her front steps and finds a single cherry on her doormat. There's a tree in the yard, but the cherry is set dead in the center.
"Ah," she says. She can't say that was entirely unexpected; she was surprised he'd waited this long, really.
She leaves the cherry where it is, sets her purse just inside the front door, and then sits down to wait. It isn't a long one; before she's worked out what to say he comes strolling around the corner. He's even whistling.
If anyone wants to play the traditional guessing game: I wrote three things, but one of them's Madness so I don't think that's up yet. But if you want to guess, guess away! If you're right I'll write you something. (Comments are screened in the name of this little venture.)