I like long walks and sci-fi movies

Jan 01, 2011 09:33

I'm not only sick but dealing with the Viking hordes (it can't ever just be one thing, can it?), but why let that stop me from squeeing about what I wrote for Yuletide, now that I can? 'cause I'm immensely proud of both stories this year.

Both of my fics are Warehouse 13, this year.

My assignment: Strange Attractors (or, the one with Artifact shenanigans in the Pioneer Valley), written for maevebran. GUYS, I WROTE A MYSTERY. And made myself severely college!homesick (not to mention hungry) in the process, and emailed sotto_voice most of the way through to double-check Hampshire parking lot geography. Includes cameos by the Five College Scooby-Doo comparison and the Shakespeare Mafia.

And while I fell in love with that story, when I first got the assignment I went '...I have never considered writing this group of characters together, or Valda at all, where do I even.' So I thought up an Artifact, when in canon it was happening, and why all four requested characters were out in the field and let it cook.

While it was cooking, I wrote Illumination (or, how HG Wells got herself an apprenticeship at Warehouse 12 in the first place), for phoenixchilde. I read Pho's letter while signups were still rolling in, and "Helena Gretchen Wells, where on earth do you think you're going?" just... popped into my head. After assignments went out, the idea was still loud, so I worked on it. (Fun fact: While I called this The Treat That Wouldn't Shut Up, it's actually half the length of my assignment fic.) AND THERE'S SOME ACTION IN THERE. Nearly as momentous as the mystery!

Neither of these stories would be what they are without hopefulnebula's fabulous beta-reading services and crazedcrusader's help with Artifact thinking-up, canon review when I couldn't beat the Tubes into submission, and general cheerleading.

And thank you to shopfront for Picture Perfect (or, the one that fills BOTH of my requests and does so brilliantly!).

squeeflail, fanfic, and a 1000 elephants!, mt. holyoke we pay thee tuition

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