Things of note lately:
*My grandfather's home from the hospital for the second time in slightly over a month.
*How excited am I for new Warehouse 13 on Tuesday? THIS EXCITED.
*I'm extremely late in this, but I'm jumping on the Percy Jackson bandwagon. Finished The Lightning Thief this morning and semi-promptly went to the library for The Sea of Monsters. In conclusion: OMG(s). Seriously, you know you're in for a treat when the first chapter title is "I Accidentally Vaporize My Pre-Algebra Teacher."
Awesome Ladies Ficathon. Truly a thing of awesome.
*...I have 98 pages in my Vincenia file. O_O (Admittedly, it's 97-and-a-bit, at the moment, but. STORY, I HEART YOU.)
*Got myself a copy-editing gig! \o/
*Also: I filled my car tires almost entirely by myself tonight. I have ongoing struggles with getting an accurate read from my pressure gauge, so the fact that that's not where I had to ask Dad for help counts as Epic Win, in my book.