Barring someone calling off, I... appear to have a weekend off. I think that's the first time that's happened since I got the job. Did some Christmas shopping after work; more to come Sunday. Haven't decided between Oxford or Borders (or both, but they're in opposite directions, is the thing) yet.
Dad turned on Andrew Bird on his iPod, on the drive home from dinner last night. That... seemed to be exactly what I needed, so I'm following suit on the big computer tonight. I do not, as predicted, miss the dog howling because OMG THERE ARE VIOLINS.
yuletide uploading is up! I've got my assignment and Yulebunny posted; now it's back to poking at the next Yulebunny. (Which is terrifying because [character] says things like [COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS PHRASE] and I might have to capture that and I'm not sure I can. But it's one of the things I love most about [fandom], so! Cryptic parenthetical is cryptic.)