Inside, we are freezing because we have no heat.

Dec 07, 2009 12:06

*hogswatchfic is open for business; sign-ups run until the 13th, and fics are due the 31st. If you missed Yuletide/are avoiding it/just want to write Generic Winter Holidays fic for someone, give it a go!
*Snow on the ground and my profile! Thanks, gehayi!
*I'm passing up a concert on Thursday, partly because I first heard about it Saturday. I'd love to see BNL again, but they're sharing the bill with three other bands, so it's not really a sound investment.
*Heat's been down at work, which is where the subject line comes in. Yesterday there were space heaters, which made it better; I'm hoping it'll be functional again when I go back Wednesday.
*And now... the dog.

The dog's twelve years old, and has been moving more slowly for some time now - not to mention, he had issues a couple years ago with a tumor on his rib (that grew back this summer and got removed around Labor Day). Mom and I figured in February he probably wouldn't make it another full year; Dad's been in denial, as he always is with his dogs.
His shoulder's been badly swollen for a week or so now, and he started trying to walk either without putting the leg down (semi-manageable) or without picking it up (doesn't work so well). So Dad took him to the vet this morning.
There's a tumor in his shoulder, high enough up that removing it isn't a viable option. And it's grown fast; it wasn't there at all when the last one was removed. Depending on how things go, he might not last until Christmas.
Which, you know, it sucks, but... he's always been more Dad's dog than anyone else's, and Mom and I have been more annoyed with him than anything else lately. Not to mention, money is tight and kind of the last thing we need right now is a dog.
So I'm of two minds on the matter.

*Yuletide assignment might be finished. I need to type it up and assemble a beta squad before I know for sure. Oh, [fandom], how I've missed you.
*But first, I need to assemble something to go with quinby's birthday card.

music, i make lists in my sleep, quin, fanfic, maps are cheating, squeeflail, more than just my easy button, cancer sucks, links, family

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