So, Andrew Bird. In conclusion: All the hype that I have mostly picked up from
agonistes in Milliways OOC chatter? More than justified.
Dad ended up going with me, since the search for other people was unsuccessful. Not a problem, though, since he's practically got the way to Bogart's memorised.
We ended up sitting next to a pair of sisters from Kentucky; one of them has severe joint issues and decided to ask for a decent seat rather than watch people's heads bobbing from her wheelchair. They were pretty awesome, and Dad got her contact info after they started talking photography.
I am... not fully sure what to think of St. Vincent. They were good on the whole, but some of it was a little out-there for me. Mostly, I was glad Mom didn't go; it wouldn't have been her speed at all.
Also, the advantage of sitting right in front of the sound board: Being able to see the set lists. There was stuff I knew and stuff I didn't; I will take not hearing 'Heretics' or 'Dark Matter,' since there was 'Opposite Day' and 'Fiery Crash' and 'Scythian Empires' (AND OH MY GOD TABLES AND CHAIRS, HELL YES).
Also also, I think I need a live version of 'Fake Palindromes' like burning. So very, very kickass.