another ten minutes, no longer

Nov 21, 2008 20:25

And now, the meme as promised, courtesy of allfireburns:

The Rules: Sometimes it's ok to pimp yourself out. Post a list of your top five fic-favorites you've written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn't about the BEST things you've written, but what you LOVE most. Then tag five other people to do the same.

The Other Rules: After each story, add a little something about what you learned about writing in the process. Or, if you didn't learn anything, add something that fits contextually with the time of writing the story.

And so:

1) Subterranean Blues, original (or: the one what is published).
The getting-in-the-anthology bit is a big part of why I like this story, but there are many other reasons. I finally found the format that works with the characters, I adore the characters (two of them were holdovers from a Nano gone by), and... the plot's a riff on some very personal things, for my family, which made it both fun and kind of heart-wrenching to work on.
The funny thing about going back and reading it, though, is seeing how far I'm come just since last fall in keeping dialogue straight.

2) Welsh Holly Data, or the Potterverse/Sneakers Vaguely Epic Crossover.
The lesson of the day here is not that all crossovers are possible if approached correctly; that lesson goes back much farther. The lesson here actually comes from the last scene, and would be: Sometimes, having your cake and eating it too isn't too much to ask. (And is, in fact, sometimes the part that gets the most positive feedback.)

3) We have no choice but to carry on, or the Iron Man thing for femgenficathon.
This one was me vs. the deadlines - and me winning. It was also a question of having a look at something that wasn't in the movie, but really could have been - and having to keep in mind that the characters don't know the outcome, even if I do.

4) After the flood, all the colors came out, or the one where discworld_rpg proved useful for plot points.
This was also me beating deadlines, of course, but mostly? It was me making a more coherent, grown-up story out of the ashes of my high-school Pretendy Funtime Games. It was fun to revisit that, but more so to make it less... melodramatic. (I give us all points for effort, but really, most of us were 16 at the time. XD)

5) My 2004 Nano win, or the one where I took out my homesickness and got 50,000 words out of it.
I'm probably never doing anything else with this one, unless I extract bits for other things. But there were a couple of lessons: First, that I can finish a novel, and second, that it's still good on the reread.

my socrates note, in a cave with a box of scraps, fanfic, disc rp, maps are cheating, to any passing fad, squeeflail, links, l-space, nanowrimo

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