it's hot as hell in Philadelphia

Mar 22, 2008 22:32

I was not fated to bring home any food ever on this vacation, clearly. I have Pocky and ramen at toki_usagi's, lo mein at gehayi's (but that's okay, really), and chocolate I didn't even buy still with quinby. ENTIRE SUNDAY STRIP of me going 'Jesus.'

Hokay so. Quin and I got to Valley Forge Friday night, and a brief flurry of house-cleaning ensued. Saturday, I went and hung out at the park with her, and met a number of lovely people... and the Savior of Our Pants. But I'm not here to talk about her.
Winning questions: "Did they have fireplaces back then?" (well, they certainly didn't have central heating...) and "Are you a Pilgrim?" (The kid was about ten or twelve, but... he was ten or twelve.)
Sunday, nothing much happened, other than me making spaghetti. Monday, the Savior of Our Pants had a go at making life difficult (good thing other people were presenting the good side of the park, srsly) and I got my CD binder organised to my satisfaction.
Tuesday, there was hanging out with Sara, and the buying of the Pocky and ramen that are still at her place. (I had the ramune and gummy things the same day.) Screencapping took place, as did the opening volley of milliways_bar's steampunk week (which has been SO MUCH FUN). Wednesday, there was venturing to the library, followed by hanging out with one of the girls Quin's in chorale with (EPIC WIN).
Thursday: Philadelphia proper. We didn't have time to go through Independence Hall (and also Quin's Best Connection Ever wasn't on hand), so instead we went through the Federal Reserve's thingydo about money, and the Mint. We went to City Tavern for lunch (HOLY CRAP THAT WAS AN AMAZING LOBSTER PIE) and then commenced the soul-eating drive to Connecticut (which is totally worth it for visiting gehayi).

In conclusion, awesome vacation was awesome.

my socrates note, why do we even have that lever?, quin, gip, i'm from the internet!, milliways, squeeflail, there and back again

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