I'm having one of those moments where I feel like I haven't been productive, academically speaking, even though I've probably written enough to finish off my assignment for the noveling class for Monday. (That will probably end up on
mapsarecheating, once I have it all typed.) It's the fact that I'm not writing a paper or reading from textbooks, I think.
Speaking of writing journals... I feel like
sto_helit_lace has long since outgrown its name. Especially now that I'm only writing Disc stuff occasionally. But I don't want to get a rename token without a good alternative in mind, so - suggestions?
academia: noveling - type up writings, critique letters, Card thing, read article, art history - read stuff, Crusades - read stuff, figure out paper options and act accordingly
extracurricular: see about radioing committee, get sub for Friday before spring break if such proves necessary, see about running that D&D thing at some point (this requires plotting and scheming, self)
Responsible Adulthood: develop career, laundry, wait for the editing saga to continue, grocery run (chow mein, fabric softener)
misc: various slowtimes, various plot bunnies, the Book of Going Through Canon, victory candescence for drama (to be followed by cake)
Also speaking of journals I write in, I think the paper!journal thing is serving me well.