things that happened in the past only happened in your mind

Nov 17, 2007 12:46

academia: China - three-pager due after break, continued research, light verse - five-pager due after break, Old Norse - start on final translation project since the option's there (roughly translated), queer theory - whatever the reading is for Tues.
extracurricular: radioing, CD reviews (pick up more on Monday?), plot and scheme for crazy gameness, burn off Bella GYGO donations and give the lot to Christine, funeral pyre for drama (to be followed by cake)
Responsible Adulthood: work, grad school crap, clean room, poke at wossname, call restaurant re: Thanksgiving
misc: WRITE STUFF, slowtimes

Other than that... I disapprove of the Viking horde's timing, if only because I'll have to be on my feet for three hours tonight and my back's going to be made of Ow. But I'll survive.

why do we even have that lever?, music, i make lists in my sleep, four bridges in the bay area, mt. holyoke we pay thee tuition, renegades, wmhc, rp shenanigans, responsible adulthood, grad school?, family

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