Nov 14, 2007 00:02
*Now is my sports season to squee like a mad fiend: Miami's first game was tonight (Dad tipped me off when I called to do the 'here's when I can go home' thing). They won!
*Dear Student Programs, thank you for actually informing the people who applied to teach J-term classes whether they were on board or not. By which I mean IS IT THAT HARD TO SAY 'SORRY, WE DON'T WANT YOUR CLASS?' No love, me.
*Next semester: Novel-writing (for great finishing my major), the Crusades (for great finishing my minor), and Modern Art (for great CAN I WRITE ABOUT MARC CHAGALL). And badminton, for great wiping out PE reqs. It's gonna rock.
*Dear drama: Die in a fire. Later, there will be cake.
*Apparently, those people who my parents have passed Story What Is Getting Published along to have liked it. (This includes the parents, which is... something of a relief, given it was their stories that gave me a good chunk of material.)
panel of me going 'jesus',
i make lists in my sleep,
mt. holyoke we pay thee tuition,
maps are cheating