*School types! If any of you are interested in the San-Francisco-for-spring-break thing, let me know. The sooner I start planning this, the more likely I'll go through with it, and I would definitely not say no to company.
*Flist types: Further to above, if any of y'all have insider information on the city, it'd be v. much appreciated. I doubt what little I remember from '94 will really help. XD
*Work did not suck today, though possibly I should put a word in someone's ear about the 'here's a new machine, go to it' tendency. It's... not exactly helpful when new parts come along and you have to adjust things and don't know how.
*Putting this up before it's too late,
possible happenings in HP7 that would entertain me (ascending order of improbability):
^Neville saves the day, and Harry capslock angsts about how his OMG DESTINY got STOLEN and he DID ALL THAT ANGSTING IN BOOK FIVE FOR NOTHING. (Possible message here: Stay In School?)
^Defeating Voldie through the power of love requires playing Muggle love songs at him.
^Muggle tech is the power the Dark Lord knows not, thus explaining why Harry had to put up with the Dursleys less flimsily than that 'blood protection' bit.
^Defeating Voldie through the power of love requires Harry and/or Neville to organize a Care Bear Stare. (Hey, it makes as much sense as anything else, at the moment.)
^Someone melts Voldie with a bucket of soapy water. (Also, it scrubs the soul right out of those Horcruxes!)
^The Hufflepuffs get tired of everyone else making a muddle of things and stage the coup they've been planning for a few decades now; the plans lived in the common room and the alumni kept in contact. Just goes to show, you have to keep an eye on the quiet ones.
^This one was
gehayi's idea first: Harry dies early in the book (of chicken pox complications or something), and the rest of the book is everyone else going "...well crap, now what do we do?"
*Now my other pair of headphones is starting to go. Dammit, I can't win here. XD
*Sign spotted on the way home yesterday: 'Anvil Lost. (phone number)' Not sure how one misplaces an anvil, but there you go.
*Finished Wicked; it was pretty good. Next up is... hmm, either Reaper Man or the Foundation trilogy.