For those playing along at home: It seems I've been permanently outsourced. Not to the paint line, sadly. (Lesson one: Start temps in the section that actually needs the extra pairs of hands.)
Good news about not being on the paint line, though, is I can still join the old group for pizza on Mondays. Now, to figure out how to get my order all the way across the plant...
The stuff they've got me going isn't too bad - mostly self-run, and there are people around who can and will help with the tricky bits. I was not surprised, however, when the machine they stuck me on broke two hours before the end of the day Friday - and was still not fixed when I got there this morning. (Lesson two: If new machines aren't in the budget... PUT THEM IN THE BUDGET.)
When it's up and running, though, I can crank things out decently fast. If I don't drown in oil from a leaky bit that adjusts the height of the thing, anyway. (Lesson three: Preventive maintenance is your friend in lieu of new machines.)
And lesson four, thrown in for free: Noise-cancelling headphones are your friends.
El Supervisor did apologize last week for Thursday's... is theatrics a good word? I think it is, but I have a feeling people will need solid evidence to really take it to heart.
My iPod, though its battery drains faster than it used to, will at least get me through most of a work day. This is good. Its headphones are kinda dead, though. I mean, the right channel's not supposed to fade in and out as you walk.
Meanwhile: ...Someone tell my brain "Eminent Thropp" is not an acceptable filk of Eminence Front. I don't think I even want to contemplate what the rest of it would be, really. XD