and on the telephone, you offer warm asylum

Jul 30, 2006 13:59

Found this while going back and tagging old LJ entries (note to self: Tag/memory old Disc RP stuff in appropriate journals?), and feel it merits redoing.

Date created: 30 November 2002
Journal entries: 1,415 (not including this one)
Comments: Posted: 8,086 - Received: 4,972

Two years ago: Working at Fashion Bug, and managing to sort receipts badger-mushroom-snake (and I still haven't seen the animation). milliways_bar was a month old, Snow's kids were born, and people actually did summaries with something approaching regularity. XD
18 months ago: I had recently returned to college, and dealt with a Sunday brunch dishroom shift. Found out the roommate at the time hadn't seen Young Frankenstein; not sure whether I ever got around to fixing that. the_antiangst was starting to move in, and I was still silly enough to protest it. Clearly, it didn't work. XD
One year ago: Working at Square D, as one of about four people in the place on second shift. Word hit Yahoo that the solar system might have a 10th planet, and I immediately started hoping they wouldn't name the thing Rupert because I am a geek.
Six months ago: Rang in the first day of classes with icon spam; had recently finished both Anansi Boys and Plot With Rocks In (complete with swearing off running a bar-wide plot EVER AGAIN).
One month ago: Finally got my damn driver's license.
Yesterday: quinby ended up staying slightly longer than she'd intended, but still got on the road fairly early.
Tomorrow: I have work, and we just might run out of bits again.

quin, mt. holyoke we pay thee tuition, rent, fashion bug, disc rp, the world has moved on, square d, to any passing fad, milliways

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