Jul 17, 2004 23:15
Interesting day today. Jen 2 has apparently been plotting Driving Adventures (with help from my parents and... I think Jen 1 got in on it?); today was Half Price Books. I have Coraline, a Crash Test Dummies CD, and a biography of Keith Moon (600 pages! He wasn't alive THAT long, was he?).
I think tomorrow is more Tri-County-ish fun, and possibly Oxford.
Note to self: No more bending over at work. You hit your head too much, and that's terrible on the customer service. (When I was pulling racks in, I at least managed to SAY 'excuse me,' but I was THINKING 'get out of my way before I run you over.')
What we should do with the empty hangers: Put 'em on that empty rounder out front. Yeah, we're selling the Emperor's new clothes now. Up to 50% off lowest marked price!
panel of me going 'jesus',
fashion bug,