Title: Cars, Phones and Global Positioning Satellites.
minka_gCharacter/Ship: Richard Madden/Kit Harington
Rating: PG-13 cause I like to swear
Genre: Comedy horror with a touch of nice… stuff… I don’t know, I don’t really do fluff or even really anything considered sweet so… ok, now I am rambling.
Word Count: 8661
Disclaimer: I don’t own
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In my opinion, not telling the whole true history is better than telling it. I really enjoy to play with the thought of what happened (that was what kept me going at work today, lol), and never really knowing makes the whole fic more interesting. This is the part of a fic where the imagination works better than words, so to speak. And I love the small hints! God, delicious.
You've got every reason to be proud of the kiss scene. It was fantastic. You know, I wouldn't complain about Richard pinning Kit to the car - ohmyfuckinggod I think I just killed myself with my own mental image - but the way you chose to do it is still amazing. So emotional and heated and right.
Scottish accent must be among the most delicious things on earth. And Richard saying 'Kit' in a husky, raspy voice? ARH FUCKING HELL.
GOD YES. I'd love to do a Richard/Kit one, so I'll see what I can dig up between work and sleep and a half-working brain! New Sirens episode tomorrow, hopefully that'll stir some plots, muses and ideas. Hopefully some others will start pairing them up after this fic, too, because the pairing definitely needs (and deserves!) more fans :>
I have noticed, yeah! I find it so amusing. And not to mention encouraging!
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