Today I was still sick as a dick. Being sick as a dick sucks for the following reasons:
1. You can't just borrow people's drinks without them noticing, because when they get sick they'll know it was you.
2. You can't taste anything. Which means that all the totally awesome food in my house kinda is wasted on me. I could just as well be eating fish fuck and I wouldn't know the difference.
3. When I get sick I can't focus on anything that doesn't involve one of three things: complaining, reading (something interesting, not bloody text books) and watching TV. This means I can't be productive which is balls because right now is when I need to stop dicking around.
4. I get to be the guinea pig for all these new vitamins and stuff that everyone thinks will make you better. I'd never even heard of 'oregacin' before yesterday...
5. I feel like fucking dried up, old, nasty, dust covered, chunky, corny, runny SHIT.
Being sick does own though, for the following reasons:
1. Today I didn't go to school. *sigh*
SO that's an update, isn't it? I feel like I'm going through this surge of updating all the time. Nice.
Heh, while I'm updating, I stole this from Nik and I rike it:
How to make a minjeig
5 parts competetiveness
5 parts crazyiness
5 parts joy
Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of curiosity
Personality cocktailFrom SO THERE. See most of you dude bags tomorrow if you're lucky.