Purple light at the end of the tunnel,even though the tunnel is filled with pigeons

Aug 01, 2006 22:36

What a shitty,horrible fucking month. And to clebrate we made it,here's a useless meme i stole from lovely plug_in_babe.

9 Lasts.
last cigarette: does heavy passive smoking count?
last beverage: water
last kiss: monday morning
last movie seen: Pride and prejudice..what a load of crap. Liked the dancing though..
last phone call: Stuart
last cd played: CMX
last time you cried: today
last party:oh dear...haven't really partied lately..sonja and lee's bbq maybe??

8 have you evers.
have you ever been heart broken: yes
have you ever dated one of your best friends: yes
have you ever skinny dipped: yeah
have you ever kissed somebody and regretted it: oh so many times
have you ever been depressed: haven't we all..
have you ever lost someone you love: unfortunately yes
have you ever been drunk and threw up: so,so,so many times

7 States You've Been to.
diipa daapa

6 Things You've Done Today.
emailed mum
watched big brother
cleaned my room while dancing
sent a postcard
facemasked myself (good english,i know!!)
ate maltesers

5 Favourite Things (in No Particular Order).
Green smoothies

4 People You can Tell [Almost] Anything to.

3 Wishes (in No Particular Order).
clear my debts
my brother to be happy
long hair

2 Things You Want to Do Before You Die.
rule the world
own a farm with loads of horses and puppies

1 Thing You Regret.
cutting my hair
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