May 22, 2006 21:15
I was such a good girl this weekend. Due to missing torture garden we went to the movies instead on saturday night to see the Da Vinci code..absolutely rubbish it was.After finishing our chocolate and sweeties thats where the fun stopped pretty much.It was just boring. Oh well,at least the company was brilliant and you can't really go wrong with Maltesers.
Sunday included a long, wet walk in the rain,followed by 6 episodes of Lost and a half a bottle of whiskey. Superb combination i say. And equally addictive.Got to spend loads of quality time with mr. wood this weekend,which was really nice.He is just the best. we were supposed to win the lottery on saturday,but didn't feel like it after all so we'll do that next saturday.
Big brother was hilarious tonight. I eel bit embarrased to admit it,but it is bad tv at its very best!