Another secret meeting. (Aren't they all?)

Oct 09, 2006 17:15

Who: K'rom and Kam (NPC)
Where: Rarely used store room, HRW
When: Somewhere around day 20 of month 7, turn 2 of the 7th Pass. (Somewhere. 2 weeks past the last meeting anyway.)
What: K'rom returns to collect his filthy lucre. Really, kids today.


Somewhere around day 21 of month 7, turn 2 of the 7th Pass.

It's just around lunch-time and with enough time for the Weyrling to have gotten a bite to eat and run errands and spends some free time. Kie has snuck away and glances over his shoulder periodically as if nervous about something, but otherwise seems okay as he enters the designates small storage room to meet Kem and looks around for the man.

There's no one readily visible in the room when K'rom steps inside. It's dark like last time with not even a small basket of glows so unless he brought his own. . .There's no noise either. No sound of breathing or footsteps or what have you. Just silence and darkness. Possibly the slither of a tunnelsnake, but that is it. And so far away from everywhere else that is used that makes it very quiet indeed.

K'rom blinks and looks around, mumbling to himself and decides to wait for a moment or two before moving on, but seems a little disappointed no one is here right now. "Maybe he won't come....." Kie whispers to himself.

It's a few minutes later then before there's a stirring at the back of the room. Someone is good at being quiet and holding his breath it seems. "Now would I do that?" Kam asks with a grin as he turns on the lights, as it were. Glows about past their use are gathered together to give off the smallest trace of lighting. "Miss my favorite fellow?"

K'rom starts and catches himself before he let's out a started cry, "Please don't do that Kam. It's not a good time to scare me like that." Kie raises an eyebrow, "You did say to meet now?"

Kam snorts softly and tugs his hat down over his face. "Yea, sure thing, boy. Ain't meanin' to make you wet your pants. I did say now, yea. How'd it go?"

K'rom blushes just slightly and nods at Kam as he smiles slightly, "Sold the last of the third batch actually. I have the marks here." Kie eyes Kam, "How much am I getting from this anyways?"

One hand extends for the marks and Kam snorts. "You ain't got a business head do you, boy? Hand em over first so I can be sure you ain't shorting me none. Then we'll discuss how much you'll be getting. I ain't born yesterday."

K'rom blushes even more and hands Kam over the right amount of marks. "There were a couple of new customers, but most have used before. And I've never done this before Kam...."

Kam grins and looks over the marks, tucking them away. He pulls out a small pouch and tosses it over. Inside is a quarter of all that K'rom has brought back here. Seems that is what he is making. "You show you can be trustworthy we'll see about a bonus every now and again. But that's standard what I pay em all."

K'rom grins and nods at Kam, "Thank you Kam. It's appreciated. Same arrangemnt? pick them up here? meet you here at a set time?"

"Pick em up here, yea. I'll leave the marks for you three days after you leave em for me." Kam grins slowly and tugs his hat down again. "Ain't got no reason to keep meeting you I think. We work like this less chance we get caught together. Cause you ain't my type, boy."

K'rom nods at Kam and chews on his lower lip as he thinks. "Pick them up and money three days later." Kie blinks at Kam then and shakes his head, "Oh trust me, you aren't my type either." Not a dragonrider as far as Kie knows. "How do I get word if I ever need to meet? I doubt I will, but...."

Kam laughs, softly, adjusting his hat. "You leave a note where you leave the marks. I decide it's worth hunting you down I come find you. Ain't no worries, kid. I been doing things a long time now. You just do what I say and no one gets in any trouble or gets hurt."

K'rom makes a face that he hides quickly. Great, possibly two people wanting to hurt him if he messes this up. "I really don't want to cause trouble Kam. Trust me about that. I'll do the best I can."

"Learn to keep your mouth shut, kid," Kam says with a toothy grin. "Will solve lots of your problems. You got any other need of me?" Cause if not he's going to mosey on out. Best that way.

Nodding at Kam and looking very thoughtful and just very slightly nercous, only noticeable to those who look hard, K'rom shakes his head, "I-I have no further need of you other than more to sell."

Kam whistles a few notes of a song and then points back to the chair. "Right where you need it, kid. Got ten for you to sell this time. You just be careful. Lots of trouble around here these days. Gotta be careful." He sets the basket of glows down on a shelf and then closes it before moving to the door and stepping out into the hall where he disappears.

k'rom, npcs

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