Only the best. Except behavior.

Jun 03, 2007 00:24

Who: Miniyal and H'kon with Peloth and Arekoth
Where:: Feeding pens
When: Late afternoon on day 20, month 11, turn 3 of the 7th Pass.
What: Peloth gets a hankering for a snack. Miniyal follows her along because it gets her out of doing something else. H'kon comes along as Arekoth is roped into 'supervising.' What do they discuss? Nothing at all that would upset any weyrwomen or anything like that. Nope. Not at all. In the least.

The Schedule demands certain things of weyrlings. What it cannot actually do is dictate the empty stomach of a growing dragon. So, while Miniyal should clearly be doing something she is, well, here. On her side of the fence there is not much going on. On the other side of the fence Peloth sits, watching the beasts move around the pen nervously. The weyrling seems content to lean against the fence and watch dragon watch beasts. She wishes to eat, but for some reason she is being told to wait. This not being acceptable she selects from her options a particular brown and sends an affectionate mental nudge. << You should eat. I have picked out the best of the beasts. I will share my findings with you. >> So thoughtful. So sent without telling her rider who would likely not be thrilled for that particular company.

It's the follow-up to this mental nudge that finds a rather displeased-looking (though can he ever look any other way?) Hkon making his way in from the bowl on foot. When he's still a decent enough distance away from Miniyal that he doesn't have to talk to her, Arekoth is in the sky overhead, making a point of swooping in directly above the herd, in the spirit of torturing innocent beasties, before landing rather neatly near Peloth. << As if I'd ever resist an offer like that. Which one of those have you found? >> Never mind that they're now rushing all over, much to the wing-rustling pleasure of the brown. As for H'kon, once he gets to the fence, there's just a look over in Miniyal's direction. A blink.

Head tilting upwards at the arrival of another dragon there is almost a look of relief that passes over Miniyal's face. Clearly it could be worse. A flicker of a glance finds H'kon and then she goes back to watching Peloth. . .and now Arekoth with her. In the pen there is a rustle of wings as Peloth watches the beasts scatter. But she doesn't spare a look for the arriving brown. << There. >> Her head extends and focuses on a nervous beastie amongst the others. << And behind. You may have the one I do not want. >> Because who else would get first pick? Standing from her crouch she slinks forward, ignoring the beasts that are not the ones she wants.

"Weyrling." There's an expectant quality to the greeting. H'kon has yet to take up any semblance of a comfortable position. << Of course. >> Arekoth has taken to inspecting the shuffled herd himself, paying attention not just to the ones the gold dragon has picked out, but also contrasting them to their peers. Shopping around. << Take your time. I can wait. >>

Now her head turns around and Miniyal looks at H'kon. "Sir." Before turning back to the pen she tosses off a salute. Inappropriate to say the least. Not a good day for the weyrling. Peloth creeps forward another few steps. << It does not take long. >> Not the way she does it. Creep, creep, creep and then she pounces. The beast between her and her prey has just enough time to move with a complaining noise. Her target goes down easily. One minute it stands and the next she is atop it with her jaws snapping closed around its neck. << You are looking well. I was very hungry. It is silly I must wait to hunt. >> Not silly he must wait until she has chosen, of course. Just silly she must wait.

Arekoth responds to the compliment with an upward stretching of his head, and a slight fanning of his wings. Any chance to show off what a fine specimen of a brown he is, of course, must be taken. << I'm feeling well. And I'm sorry you were made to wait. >> Now to take to the wing, his preferred method of killing being the one where he swoops at random beasts first to mix things up, before striking. Throughout this introduction, H'kon has returned the salute, not bothering to questionit. And by the time Arekoth is swooping, the man has settled to a lean against the fence. Not too close to Miniyal, though easily within earshot. When the dragon does strike, it's with a harsh raking of talons. The beast is allowed to squeal a bit before it's killed. << You hunt nicely. >>

"Can I ask you something, sir?" Said without looking over his way. Instead Miniyal pretends she is interested in watching Peloth consume her dinner. She is a neat killer and a neat eater. There is no showing off. Other than with the neatness of her movements. << Yes. I do. >> Pride is not evident in her tone. It is what it is. She hunts and like everything else she does it is the best. << You hunt well too. I am pleased you are here. She has questions of him. Of lots of people. >> The best part about mental communication is one can be muzzle deep in the belly of a beast as she talks. And that is where Peloth is, taking care to do so neatly. As neatly as one can be in such a situation.

H'kon is smart enough to hesitate a moment, shooting a sidelong glance to Miniyal. Sizing her up, maybe. Arekoth is not at all a neat eater, and of course, is a show-off to the end. He dragons the carcass over to be near enough to Peloth, and takes great joy in ripping out the neck in such a way as to bloody himself nicely. Teeth are flashed to Peloth in a gory grin (even if she might not see it, busy with bellies as she is) before he sets to picking at his kill. He must have eaten recently enough. He's taking his time on this one. << I'm glad you called me. I wouldn't think of missing this. >> Looking back to the bloody scene before him, H'kon tilts his head. "Ask what you will."

Peloth doesn't notice the grin or the way he makes a mess. She just notices, yes, the belly. << I would not have called anyone else. >> Not this time at least. And it does sound sincere. She does sincerity well after all. She means what she says, it's just she changes her mind about what she means often. Hungry she may be, but she still eats slowly. Savoring the bits that get slurped from carcass to mouth. "Why do you think I gave you the information on the Instigators that I did?" Said as Miniyal continues to watch the dragons. Lalala. Gory disgusting mess, what fun!

It must be said that the natural reddish tinges in Arekoth's hide are brought out by the blood spatter. A pity that Peloth is missing it. << Well I hope you'll call me again. I could never miss an adventure like this. Though next time, we should hunt at the same time. Imagine what traps we could set for those beasts! >> What havoc they could cause. How many heart attacks they could instigate in the feed animals... H'kon's shoulders are instinctively hunched up at the question. Defensive. "I... would imagine... I am not certain. You did demonstrate another side to the trial, as you said you would." There's a distinct hesitation. H'kon bites his lip. Thinks hard. "The other information... I do not know. Perhaps to know their ideas. I do not know." And the distaste in his voice at having to consider ulterior motives suggests he doesn't want to spend much time thinking on it.

Alas, Peloth misses the show. Well, not entirely. There is a pause somewhere before she tears off a leg to chew on it. Lifting her head she licks blood off her muzzle and watches the brown eat. << When you make such a mess you lose the flavor. >> Ok, so she'd not admiring his hide. << But I would like to hunt with you together. I believe it is more fun. You are right there is more you can do. And, you might learn something. >> Not teach her something. "So you do not think I did it to be mean? Or to. . .I'm sorry. Nevermind, sir." Miniyal straightens up and shoves her hands into her pockets. Kicking at a fence post she looks away from the feeding dragons to stare at the sky. It is overhead.

"There are much more effective ways for you to be mean," H'kon notes quite simply. "I cannot say I understand completely why you wished me to read them. But I do understand more. My convictions remain the same," is added. As a safety net. Arekoth, meanwhile, is not easily swayed from his style. << Hardly. You /feel/ the flavour. Warm blood is as good on the hide as it is on the tongue. >> And besides, it's only on the front of him. Things could, technically, be worse. << The beats surely wouldn't know what to expect from the two of us. We could work very well. >>

"I am not trying to change everyone's mind, sir. I am merely trying to educate people about what went on. What I showed you was not the worst of it." Miniyal glances over for a moment and then focuses once more on what happens inside the fence. "It is not my intention to- Well. I suppose while I may say it is not my intention to upset people it will happen regardless. Still, it is not the reason I do it. It is not easy, sir, being dedicated to the truth." It, for example, has one telling an entire room full of people that one's lover is a murderer. << You feel? >> Peloth considers this as she studies the beast before her. << It is still messy. I do not like to be messy. I prefer clean. >> Down goes her head to take another bite. << Then we will hunt together. It will be good. We do not have to worry them with it. >>

<< The wonderful thing about being messy is, we can wash. >> The brown does lick at some of the spatter around his mouth, as best he can reach with his tongue. << I can't wait to hunt with you again. >> H'kon isn't quite so at ease with the topic of his own conversation with Miniyal. "There is worse," is murmured. "Strange that you should not include that in your selection for me." It's certainly not a request, though. "I do not see fault in being dedicated to truth. It surely will only enforce what is right."

Peloth does not agree with being messy and a touch of mental disdain greets his comment. << Bathing is important. But there is no reason to be dirty still. >> Fastidious much? That would be the gold. She grabs another leg and carefully tears it off as her tail twitches, the tip reaching out to thwack against the brown. << I eat every day. I will have her remember for me that we will hunt together. >> Miniyal, dragon PDA. "I was not sure if you would care to read what the leaders of society thought appropriate behavior towards prisoners. Or if you would even believe it, sir." Shaking her head the weyrling leans against the fence again and shifts just enough so she can watch the brownrider. "I would not make up the information I share. It is all what I have read at Harper, sir. But I do not think. . .it is not always wise to share all the truth. One must wait until the proper time. When it might be most advantageous."

H'kon snorts at this. "Should I thank you for considering my feelings?" The last statement from Miniyal has the brownrider looking at her fully. "If you do not share all the truth... it is a form of a lie. We learn this as children." He shifts against the fence, now, and all but glares at his dragon. << I don'tt know if I'll always eat with you. But I'll hunt with you, if you just call me. We'll kill what you can eat, nothing more. I'll just scare the ones I would normally pick. >> Let's see if he can remember this plan on his own. H'kon is no dragon's PDA. H'kon is happier not knowing what the brown is up to, most times.

"Very well, sir." Miniyal twists at the ring on her finger and tilts her head to the side, sizing up the brownrider. "I have seen proof that the Instigators were tortured before their trial. Then allowed to heal before actually appearing /at/ trial. Any confessions they may have made are tainted by this fact. And, I wonder if they even stand a chance at a fair trial now since many of our illustrious leaders are the same and would not want their complicity in these acts to become public knowledge." Somewhere in the weyr Roa is having fits right now. Falling silent she flickers a glance towards the feeding dragons. Just a moment and then back to H'kon. << You do not have to eat. You may just hunt. So long as I eat. I am still growing. I will be big soon. We are learning to fly. /Finally/. >> Peloth finishes her beast and uses one paw to shove away the remains of the beast. That done she licks blood from her talons.

H'kon frowns. Shifts against the fence, which gives a bit of a creak. "And do your records say /why/ they were tortured?" Asked in sort of a mumble. "I cannot believe it was done as a way of seeking sheer amusement." Arekoth's own catch certainly has bones that have nearly been cleaned. At least one part of his eating is clean, if it's not he himself. << Excellent. I'm sure you will fly well. And you know, I could even teach you some tricks. >> Ah, the memory of a dragon...

<< I would like to learn your tricks. Soon. I am learning stupid things now. Baby things. >> Peloth just hates learning anything if it implies she is not an adult. The other beasts in the pen are eyed. She must not be hungry still for she is content to make them nervously shuffle about as she watches them. << Tricks are good. >> In thanks she nudges against him with her muzzle. "First, I would imagine they wished to gain confessions that might not have otherwise been said. It is hard to not say something when one is being beaten." Miniyal shakes her head and sounds disgusted with the whole thing. But on she goes speaking anyway. "And, I would bet revenge played a part in it for some. After all, these people dared to speak out against the status quo, sir. People in power tend to fear losing that power."

"And surely criminals would offer up true testimony otherwise." But H'kon isn't on solid footing right now. He's picking at the wood of the fence. He's certainly not looking to Miniyal. "I would hope it was not a case of revenge." Arekoth is done with his snack. H'kon sends him a helpless look. The brown, of course, is far too busy returning Peloth's nudge to see this. Nevermind the mental link that must surely alert him to his rider's distress. << These tricks are -very- good. And they're not baby things at all. You need to be a good flyer, or else they won't work. >> His wings are rustled, folded neatly again at his back. << I am told we must go. >>

<< Then you must go. I understand. We must not go. >> Peloth offers another nudge with a spotless muzzle before she looks towards where her rider is. << She is still sad. She still does not cry. But she is talking again. This is good. Thank you. >> As if it were Arekoth who did this and not his rider. "I would hope so too, sir. Sadly I have not had the chance to ask anyone. Perhaps we will never know. However. . .well. I will just say what was done was no good. And it is something we must all be aware of. After all, it is not as if that sort of behavior does not continue to this day." Likely she has been told of imminent departure. But Miniyal doesn't act as if she has.

And Arekoth again risks getting Peloth a bit bloody by returning that nudge. He even gives her a nice little croon. << You're welcome. >> Fully prepared to accept the responsibility for this. << If you need anything else, you know who to ask. >> H'kon is now rubbing a hand at his beard. "I would hope unnecessary torture would be avoided. If you will excuse me, Weyrling. There are duties I must attend to. And Arekoth will need to wash the blood from him before nightfall."

"Of course, sir. Good evening." Miniyal salutes and then looks back at Peloth, shaking her head. The gold lets the brown go, her attention turned back to the beasts as if considering one more before she leaves.

That salute is returned quickly. Arekoth takes his leave with a leap into the air, also toward the herd. Just to give them a last scare before his departure. And H'kon makes sure to not look like he's running away to the bowl. Just going about the ever-pressing business of a simple wingrider.

arekoth, h'kon, peloth

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