Tricks used and promised.

May 19, 2007 18:13

Who: Miniyal and H'kon with Peloth and Arekoth
Where: Southern bowl by the lake
When: 13:40 on day 20, month 10, turn 3 of the 7th Pass.
What: H'kon returns a book loaned to him by Miniyal. There is slight conversation about its topic. In the lake, flying is discussed.


At High Reaches Weyr, it is 13:40 on day 20, month 10, turn 3 of the 7th Pass.

Despite the fact that the winds blowing over the lake seem especially cool, and despite the clouded sky that blocks out what extra heat direct sunlight might provide, H'kon and Arekoth find themselves in the afternoon not at the warm dragon baths, but rather out in the bowl, dealing with the elements. Arekoth is in the water, though not fully submerged, with a damp underbelly but dry back, wandering about with a more exaggerated limp for the chill. The short little brownrider has his arms crossed over his chest, the lined collar of his jacket turned up, though he doesn't tuck his head down into it for added protection. A bag is slung over his shoulder, and eyes, half-closed, monitor his lifemate's progress. He wears, of course, the usual scowly face, eyebrows brought down and drawn together, and the corners of his lips falling victim to the forces of gravity. The occasional misty snorts in his direction from Arekoth do little to change his mood.

From out of the weyrling complex comes a pair heading, well, away from the weyrling complex. It doesn't look as if Miniyal and Peloth are going somewhere in particular, but the speed with which they exit clearly indicates something is being fled from. Despite the cooling weather, the goldrider appears with no coat and makes no move to put her hands in her pockets. Peloth walks close by her, every now and again bumping her rider with a casual bump of head to shoulder. The last bump sends Miniyal stumbling a bit and earns the gold a scowl which she does not even see as she spies her favorite brown in the water and so veers off towards him, head and shoulders down as she tries to stay out of his line of sight. Sneak attack in progress. For all that it's hard for Peloth to hide when there's nothing to hide behind and all. Apparently sneaking is good enough. Seeing what is going on, Miniyal sighs and heads for H'kon. May as well say hello.

It is indeed difficult to miss a gold, sneaking though she may be, and Arekoth certainly doesn't. Though the young dragon's posture is hard to mistake, and the brown, unlike his stick-in-the-mud biped counterpart, is always up for a game. So he quickly turns his head in the other direction, paying some special attention to the movement of the clouds overhead, all the while sloshing along lazily, even for that bit of a limp. It's the brown's strange actions that bring H'kon's attention fully back to the bowl. Peloth is spied. Eyes are rolled. And the man's shoulders are brought up a bit in preparation for the onslaught of Miniyal. Visual contact comes through squinted eyes. And H'kon's greeting is, as per usual, nothing eloquent: a gruff, "You are not cold?"

Surely she is aware she is being humored. Peloth is a wise dragon for a still baby dragon. However, she is having fun. So, she sneak-sneak-sneaks towards the lake like nothing at all is going on. Her tail swishes behind her and her wings, still too large for her body, are tucked up close. Eyes rolling as she observes all of this Miniyal comes to a stop by H'kon. Before she can answer there are formalities and so she salutes and only then shakes her head. "No, sir. Born and raised here. Got to be a lot more cold before I need a coat. Nice weather anyway. I like the fall."

Arekoth continues his innocent wandering, even turning his back a little to Peloth, though he's careful not to over-extend his tail so as to trip the gold up or anything of the sort. H'kon is clearly reassured by the salute, snapping one back, and allowing his weight to shift back a bit to his heels thereafter. "Huh." The favourite syllable uttered, H'kon looks back out to the dragons, biting idly at a patch of dry skin on his lower lip. And then, inspired to action by some random firing synapse, the brownrider is slinging the bag from his shoulder, reaching inside, and, with one wary glance to the weyrling and the bowl in general, producing that little journal. This is handed over without any sort of words. Naturally.

It is her duty to reassure or something. Miniyal lets a little smile play over her lips ever so briefly, but it fades when the book is produced. Taking it from him she nods her head. "I hope you found it interesting reading. Or at least something worth the time it took to investigate the words written." It's almost formal the way she talks and she makes ever effort at the moment to appear the upstanding weyrling speaking to her superior. Peloth has no such ideas and when she reaches the water she splashes in without any more pretense of sneakery. << I know you saw me. >> For his trouble he gets a bump of her head in affectionate greeting.

H'kon's hand withdraws rather quickly as soon as that book is handed off, and his response is a rather guarded, "I read it as I said I would." His shoulder hunches to reposition the strap of the bag, and he's back to crossing his arms over his chest and looking particularly displeased with life in general. Arekoth turns as soon as there's splashing, for his part, sweeping his tail over the surface of the water to send a spray toward Peloth, a happy little warble pairing with, << You were still being very sneaky. I'm impressed. >> The head bump, of course, is returned to the young queen's shoulder, as by now has become customary.

"I'm pleased." She even awards him a smile for his doing as he said, just a brief friendly sort of 'good boy' smile. Then Miniyal switches the book to her other hand and uses the now free one to tug absently at the tail of her untucked shirt. Her attention turns towards the water where Peloth and Arekoth play. "She seems to like him," is offered as, in her mind, a neutral conversation topic. After the bump Peloth straightens up, chest puffed up, and wings resettling against her after a rustle from the splash she received. Look at me! I'm a grown-up. She does try hard to look like one. << I am an impressive specimen. That is what is said. I will be flying soon. >> The last statement, having nothing to do with being impressive, has a wistful quality added to the cool tones of her words.

"Are you," is returned rather icily. And H'kon's gaze stays angrily fixed on life in general. Which is to say that speck of dust floating before him. Alas, Miniyal's neutral topic only manages to increase the number of daggers in the glare being given that speck. "I am not surprised." It's not said with any sort of cocky tones, though. Arekoth, however, goes on humouring that gold, glancing at her, and at those too-big wings, and noting, << I'm glad others are saying that too. >> There's a shared push of anticipation, the queen's excitement easy enough to catch hold of, though surely the brown cannot remember his own weyrling days, and the countdown to being airborne. << I'll show you some good places to fly. Some good tricks, too. >>

Miniyal's head turns so she can focus on the brownrider and not his dragon. "I am. I believe everyone should expand their knowledge. It's through learning things that we better understand life around us. It's through that understanding that we can make changes to our own lives so they are more fulfilling and meaningful." She pauses here, one hand sliding into a pocket. "Are you mad at me, sir, because I asked you to read it? I am not trying to change your mind about anything. I merely think understanding something should come before deciding where one stands." Focusing on this rather than any friendship between dragons she continues to watch H'kon thoughtfully. One dagger-inducing conversation at a time. The object of that second topic, in part, warbles and spreads her wings wide. << They are big enough. I am big enough. She insists I wait. She makes sure others insist I wait. I could do so now if I were allowed. >> Peloth, of course, believes she can do everything nownownow. Just like her rider. As her wings are drawn back in she nudges her nose against the brown's shoulder once more. << I will let you. >>

H'kon doesn't look at Miniyal, still. "I think you should be careful of who you show it to. Otherwise it will seem like you are trying to spread that..." lip curls slightly, and though he tries, he can't quite come upon the proper word to convey his distaste, and lands on, "thing." The hand resting on his upper arm, in their crossed position, tightens, knuckles showing bits of white. << They do seem big enough. Strange that they should make you wait when you are ready. But some of the tricks are very difficult, too. >> And the shoulder nudge gets returned a second time, the brown idly spreading his own wings to show them off, just a little. Pity there's no sun to make his hide glisten that extra bit. << You should tell me right away when you've started flying. >>

Eyes rolling as she switches her gaze upwards a moment Miniyal doesn't smile, but she seems almost amused. "I spread knowledge. Of all types. It is not right to hide history just because people do not agree with it. We do not learn from mistakes if those mistakes are locked away and no one ever sees them." Her words are gently spoken, quiet even and not just so people don't overhear. Like she's worrying about sounding to firm about anything. "Besides, how much trouble can I get in?" Oh, the question of truth. Clearly she thinks not much at all. << I can wait for tricks. >> Peloth ducks her head under the water just so when she lifts it water can stream down over her neck. For whatever reason. But there seems to be no other reason for it. << I will have her remember to remind me that I am to tell you that. She will do so. >> That is why one has a rider. Like post it notes for dragons they are.

"It is not right to spread faulty ways of thinking around a weyr, either." And now H'kon does offer a glance to the goldrider from those pale eyes. "It grieves me to know of our own injustices, but that is no reason to encourage continued insubordination. Be careful." There's almost authority to that. And the brownrider gives his head a quick shake, like to get the thoughts clear of it for now. Hopefully the ominous quality to the whole statement serves as answer enough to the question of trouble. << That's very good of her. You'll fly very well with my instruction. >>

"Well, I'm afraid I have to disagree with you, sir. I feel we must spread as many different ways of thinking as possible. Otherwise how is there ever any growth?" Miniyal removes her hand from her pocket so she can switch the book again. "I feel insubordination has its place, sir." Again with the almost teasing in her voice. "Leaders sometimes need to be called out when they do something stupid. Obeying a wrong order is worse than standing up and saying, 'No, I won't do that. It is wrong.' You're an honorable man from all I've heard. Would you /not/ say no if told to do something that was wrong?" Peloth's amusement is entirely detached from whatever seriousness her rider is about. And it is shared as if she rewards Arekoth with a great gift. << I will fly well regardless of any instruction from you. I will fly better than any of the others. But, I will learn your tricks. >>

H'kon just snorts at this. "I have said something is wrong. There is nothing honourable in spreading wrong ideas. They do not help us find what is right." Now Miniyal gets to receive those daggers. At least the speck of dust is off the hook. "Stop questioning this. And be very cautious with showing those notes. I wonder you even have some of them," is given as a final chiding. Jaw sets, then, and he looks over to Arekoth. The brown has started walking again in the shallow end, leaving plenty of room for Peloth to go alongside him. << I didn't say you wouldn't fly well. I wouldn't teach my tricks to any dragon. I don't think many could handle them. But they will make you fly -very- well. >>

Miniyal resists the urge to roll her eyes and settles for blinking. Twice. "How can you decide what is right if you do not eliminate what is wrong?" Shaking her head she grins now, even winking at the other rider. "Oh, I have all sorts of things. I'm good at acquiring information, sir. If I want to know something. . .well, I will find a way to learn it. What is the point in information being out there if we don't pursue it? Still, I will keep in mind I should not bother you with anything else. I would not, sir, want to break up the narrow view of the world that you have." Still so polite, so gracious, so not trying to mock or anything. Walking alongside the other dragon Peloth spares a glance for her rider on the shore. << I will not teach your tricks when I know them. She is trying her tricks on him. It will not work, I think. But she tries. >>

There's a distinct quality of frustration to H'kon's voice now. "You're using something that has already been eliminated, and -that- is foolish. My views are not based on false ideas, and they are not yet your oncern. Now you -will- stop this argument, weyrling. If you think I am honourable, there is no point in having it with me." This time, when his mouth closes, his teeth click together. And surely clench thereafter. << He's too stubborn to be moved by tricks. Even good flying tricks. >> Arekoth, too, has looked over to the shore where the riders stand. << Besides, tricks don't work where there isn't any trust. >>

"Eliminated, sir?" Miniyal will continue to press because, well, why not? "They're living in our territory. They have not been eliminated and so their ideas have not. As for no point, don't be silly, sir. There is always a reason to argue." Head tilting over she smiles apologetically. "At least in some views. I'm sorry if I have upset you, sir." Out comes the sincerity, impossible to tell if it is real or not. "If you'll pardon my saying so, there is a difference between being honorable and being so rigid you cannot see when there might be some truth that has not yet come into your world view. If you are not interested in this subject perhaps I might provide you with something else? I assure you, my available collection of historical events is rather large enough to accommodate most desires." Aww. And now she's so helpful. << She is- Well, doing what she does. Which is her own concern. I would rather think on flying. It is silly I am not yet. And it is silly I have tricks to learn and cannot yet. Soon, however, I will learn them. >> Peloth glosses over troubles on land although there are continued lingering gazes sent towards the riders talking.

H'kon has no immediate reply for Miniyal, sitting through her continued argument, and grinding his teeth. But there comes a point where he grows tired of her trying to convince him, and there's a sharp command of, "Enough!" that actually manages an echo about the bowl, complete with a sharp cutting motion with his hand. This has Arekoth stopping to look over. For all their disagreements, after all, the brown still has to be concerned when sensing distress of some kind from his rider. << Very soon, I hope. >> Arekoth is surely distracted in that.

Peloth's low vocal rumble and shoulder nudge is the only goodbye given to Arekoth. She heads for land, allowing one smack of her tail behind her to splash at the brown. On land, Miniyal comes to attention and salutes, cocky. "Yes, sir. Enough is enough, sir. I should be going anyway. I've got to see a woman about a birthday cake." Lalala. Surely not his. Nope. Likely someone else's. Still, she remains as she is until dismissed by the rider. Once on shore, Peloth lets the water drip from her, not bothering to shake it off. Nor cast a glance over her shoulder to the brown even if she sends a final thought. << She says to tell you she is sorry for upsetting him. But that he needs it. I do not know what that means exactly, but she says next time she will not. I am not sure that is all truth. We will fly together soon. I must go. >>

Arekoth doesn't have the time to nudge the young dragon back, and so sends a croon after her instead. On shore, H'kon is all scowls, though he returns the salute rather appropriately. He won't question any cocky overtones. Not when he's hoping to get away from Miniyal. "Clear skies," is said rather flatly, and then he's turning. << She's right. It is good for him. -I- think he should keep it up. And I look forward to flying with you. >>

As she heads off, dragon in tow, Miniyal tosses over her shoulder, "Always a pleasure, sir. Considering how well they get along I'm sure we'll run into each other again." Taunt, dig, tease. Sometimes she just likes to mess with someone's head. Usually as she walks away. Safest. Soon enough they're disappearing across the bowl.

arekoth, h'kon, peloth

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