More good advice.

May 13, 2007 00:13

Who: Miniyal and S'ol
Where: Living cavern
When: Evening on day 6, month 10, turn 3 of the 7th Pass.
What: The conversation from here continues later in the living cavern. Miniyal provides more helpful advice.


Miniyal laughs softly as she shakes her head. "Yes. And, honestly, better Xalth than Arekoth that flirts with her terribly and she doesn't seem to be discouraging him. Although I'm sure she doesn't see it as flirting. I mean, she's still young and all. Anyway, we won't worry about it til it comes up. If it does. And, well, you should consider, better Peloth than Tialith I suppose." Miniyal, full of happy thoughts this evening. When he mentions his destination she pauses and then nods. "Sure. You go on and I'll meet you there in an hour or so? I've got an errand or two I need to do anyway."

S'ol pauses. Miniyal did say that he needs to learn to bluff; to act at the very least. So, he turns slightly towards her and fixes a deadpan expression. "I was actually hoping you'd come with me." He says. "I mean, you really need a bath." He pauses. "That didn't come out the way I meant it." Hopefully, she calls him on his shit like she said she would. "Anyhoo... yeah. I don't want to even THINK about that. Fortunatly, it'll never happen. Anyway, so, an hour?'

At his words she laughs again, head shaking. "Yea, that really. . .Next time say something like, 'I've been enjoying our conversation and was hoping to continue it.' Or, you know, something. Not, 'You stink' and the like." Miniyal grins faintly. "My errands can wait if you really want me to tag along. I can protect you from the big bad evil people who might be there. Or, I can meet you in an hour. Either way." Either way indeed, she seems indifferent to the whole idea. "Also, you sorta sounded. . .sleazy. I mean, honestly."

S'ol lifts his fingers to scratch his hair. "Well, you have to give me a little credit for going out on a limb and trying. But, yeah. As soon as the 'you need a bath' came out of my mouth I knew it came out wrong." Chin is scratched now. "I was hoping to continue it would probably have sounded the best." He pauses then, as though thinking. "Well, err. As much as I'd appreciate the company, I'm still odd about being naked around people I..." He trails off. "Well, just people." Cover that one, nicely. Smooth as butter. "I'll meet you back here in an hour." And with that,h e steps off. "When I, uh, get back, you can hopefully suggest a few more things."

Miniyal's head tilts to one side. "People I. . .what? You know, I will find out the rest of that sentence. No one keeps a secret from me. Anyway, don't worry about. People don't want to see me naked. And, well, it's the baths. No one thinks of nudity. You should definitely work on that. Well, weird holders do." Another shrug and she takes a step back, nearly grinning. Likely teasing. "Meet me in the kitchen. I'll grab us a corner."

S'ol takes a little bit under an hour. Apparently, he nipped off to get spare clothes as well for when he returns he looks a good deal better. Bathed, shaven, hair combed, fresh clothes. He actually might pass for someone halfway decent looking. And so, he heads towards the corner table; a frown n his face. "You know.. " He says as he approaches the promised corner and sits down. "There's kinda somethin' in what you said that's bothering me."

S'ol adds. "But it's a prickly subject, and I dunno if I should bring it up. It involves you naked."

Whatever errands she had to run, she got them done and is waiting in the corner as she promised. On two plates there reside pastries of cream filled nature. In her hands is a mug of something, klah by the smell of it. He's got to get his own drink. "What about me naked? S'ol? Nothing's going to bother me. Seriously. Other than not knowing things. That kills me. Well, drives me crazy. So, spill." Miniyal reaches for a pastry and bites into it, closing her eyes and smiling happily. "So good. Sometimes I want to choke my mother, but then she feeds me things like this."

S'ol reaches out thoughtfully and takes one of the pastries, breaking it in half and eating it surprisingly dantilly. One thing is said for the hold, manners were something that he was apparently raised with. Munching for a moment, he shrugs slightly. "I really hate it when you downplay yourself like that. But, we been over that before. It's bad enough when you do it over little things, but c'mon. There's nothing wrong with you. I mean, I...'m sure tha there are any number of people who'd enjoy it, baths aside. All I'm saying is, you ought not to be so hard on yourself. Who's totally ravishing anymore? Not me, not anyone. Everyone has something attractive about them. And, the people with brains find it."

"Oh, whatever. I don't want people looking at me anyway. I prefer it when they don't." Miniyal licks her fingers clean and then has a drink from her mug. She has manners, but when pastries come into play there are times one must lick their fingers is all. "Look, I can't help it. I'm not pretty. I'm not skinny. I don't have a winning personality to make up for it. What I have is my brain and the occasional good sense on how to use it properly. Mostly I make trouble for myself and others." She pauses to consider, perhaps taking a mental tally of her positive qualities. "Oh, I have Peloth. I'm never going to shout from the rooftops that I'm pretty or nice or anything. It's not happening."

S'ol points at Miniyal with is pastry. "That's all I was hoping to hear." He says, honestly and quickly. "Just wanted to hear you say that. It's important, you know. I think your intelligence sets you apart from most others. I'm sure G'thon thinks so, I think so, I'm sure other men think so. They're foolish if they aern't." He munches on his pastry, nobdding at. "Man, this is delicious." He continues, though. "I dunno. I just hate seeing you berate yourself. Who cares if you aern't skinny?" He shrugs though, and seems to change the subject. "So, I was wondering." He asks. "What's the best way to get someone to talk, about something they don't want to own up to?"

Miniyal reaches for another pastry and bites into it. She listens, likely, to him talk while she eats, but most of her attention is on the cream filling trying to ooze out. "I know I'm not totally worthless. Just close." Those last two words are said so innocently and sincerely she must be joking. Picking up her mug after licking her fingers off she takes a drink. "Well, umm. There's two ways to do it. The first is to just confront them about it and basically not let it go til they talk about it. The other is to work around to it until they let something slip without thinking."

S'ol makes a quiet 'meh' sound and gives a half smile. "Look, I know it's annoying, but I really am a big proponent of reminding people when they are exceptional. It never hurts to hear it." And he leaves it at that, nodding thoughtfully. "Hmm. So. Hypothetically. Say I'm trying to get someone to admit that they, uh, stole a coin. But, I can't confront them or they will balk and deny it......define work around it?"

"Oh, thieves. Thieves are easy. I was catching them when I was a kid. First, it helps if you know where to look for what they've stolen. Then you can either fetch it yourself or catch them coming to get it." Miniyal pauses here to finish her pastry. "That gets you beat up sometimes though. Not bad enough to break bones or anything, but bruises and swollen eyes and all." She does sound as if she speaks from experience. "Some thieves want to brag. Give them an opening. The rest are usually dumb. Either because they think they are so smart or because they are idiots. You have to figure out which is which first."

S'ol quirks ever so slightly at the beat up comment, but he doesn't comment. Though, his eyebrow twitches a small amount. "Diplomacy is fun." He murmurs, placing his hands on the table now that the pastry is done. "You'd never know it, but I've had some training in it. Just, here it all gets thrown out the window. I was taught etiquette and such, proper ways to address people, how to flatter someone and make them reveal things... the cloak and dagger stuff is right out the window and new to me."

Miniyal's head tilts to one side and she pulls her coat sleeve up and twists her arm. Showing her elbow she grins. "See that scar? Got that confronting someone once. Five turns ago. I try not to do that much. I mean, I don't /like/ getting beat up." Peering into her mug she shakes her head and sets it on the table. "Anyway, that's not true. There's plenty of call for diplomacy. And etiquette. I have perfect manners, but I don't use them all the time. Corin has fits. Sometimes you have to be rude to someone to get your point across. Sometimes you have to throw tact out the window. Not that /some/ believe that. I'm always getting told to not just say what needs saying. Oh, I know! We'll just work together! You can do the flatter stuff I hate and I'll call people on being an ass when they need it. Perfect." Fear.

S'ol mms, thoughtfully. "At least you don't have to worry about that anymore." He glances down at his empty dish. "I got into a couple of fights when I was younger, but.." He glances towards the scar, then peers at Miniyal. "You know." He grunts. "That's entirely what Peloth and Xalth have been operating on for the last few months. I made him tell me, and, well.. the whole idea was that she was the tactful brains, and he the harsh brawn. Tjat

S'ol mms, thoughtfully. "At least you don't have to worry about that anymore." He glances down at his empty dish. "I got into a couple of fights when I was younger, but.." He glances towards the scar, then peers at Miniyal. "You know." He grunts. "That's entirely what Peloth and Xalth have been operating on for the last few months. I made him tell me, and, well.. the whole idea was that she was the tactful brains, and he the harsh brawn. That's irony for you." His attention seems far away for a moment. "Speaking of which, he's awake. I'm sorry to run off, but I made him a promise. Will you be available for a light jog, tomorrow?"

"She's not as tactful as she appears, you know." Miniyal snorts and grabs the last pastry since it seems it will go uneaten otherwise. "Oh, sorry. I can't tomorrow morning. I'll be sick. Most of the day I imagine unless things are more interesting." Grinning briefly she waves her hand around before taking a bite of her pastry. "But, I'll see you after that I am sure. Maybe around lunch. And I am not harsh. I just have bad timing. I am working on it. I'll see you later, S'ol."

S'ol hehs, quietly. He has to admire that lack of work ethic. "Oh, there's one more thing I wanted to tell you." He says. "Now, I mean this in a strictly platonic way, I promise. But you're a whole lot prettier when you smile. You ought to do it more." And with that, he salutes and steps off.

Miniyal just rolls her eyes. "Yea, yea. You're so sweet. Get outta here before someone thinks I like you." Waving him off she smiles, self-consciously. Then? She finishes off her pastry.


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