In which a rider is reminded that history is written by the winners.

May 04, 2007 00:05

Who: Arekoth, H'kon, Miniyal, Peloth
Where: Dragon baths
When: 19:54 on day 16, month 9, turn 3 of the 7th Pass.
What: Supposedly, this is Peloth being bathed and Arekoth being exercised. Mostly, they blow bubbles while their riders talk. And they conspire. And, please note how Miniyal has /not/ broken her word to Roa. There is no more sending of records outside the weyr. Lalala. Oh, and between Miniyal, Peloth, and Arekoth I feel very sorry for H'kon.


At High Reaches Weyr, it is 19:54 on day 16, month 9, turn 3 of the 7th Pass.

Following dinner there is this 'free time' that the weyrlings covet so much. Even if it is not really free time because Faranth forbid the weyrlingmaster catch one of them doing nothing. They may as well be murdering each other. And, so, that means very few of them hang around unless they have something to do. Then again? It's not like Miniyal ever has nothing to do. Not when there is a brat who insists on so much. So, tonight after dinner regardless of what she may want to be doing, Miniyal is here in the baths. With the brat. Who is already wading into the pool ahead of her slower, less enthused rider. It's often enough this happens that Miniyal's got her 'the brat wants to be washed' outfit which consists of a sleeveless tunic and a pair of loose shorts. "Alright, I'm coming. It's not like you're dirty."

Arekoth is equally enthusiastic to get into the pools - although he and H'kon arrive somewhat after Miniyal and Peloth's entrance. The brown makes no attempt to wait, however, especially once his little gold buddy is spied. A greeting rumble is emitted immediately, and no sooner than H'kon's got the straps off, Arekoth is moving, with a slightly more pronounced limp, into the water. H'kon sets the leather dragon accessories aside, giving a gruff nod to Miniyal even as his dragon surely tries to involve Peloth in some sort of water games. "Weyrling." Ah, such warm salutations on his part.

It's more fun with someone else around. So, when Arekoth arrives and enters 'her' pool Peloth has waiting for him a happy croon. While she has the space her wings extend and flap once which mostly just manage to push water away and douse her rider completely. A curse welcomes that, muffled since Miniyal realises that new dragon means new person. Wiping water from her face she turns to spy H'kon. Despite how utterly silly she looks soaked to the bone in water to her waist she comes to attention and salutes. "Sir."

H'kon was waiting for just that pleasantry, and returns the salute with professional crispness before setting to stripping down to his bathing with Arekoth outfit - which is to say, not a lot of clothing at all. Arekoth, for his part, waits skillfully until his rider's vision is obscured by the tunic to express his own opinion on this wing-flapping game, doing the same, and sending all the more water toward... well, about everywhere. Poor Miniyal.

Miniyal stifles another curse although it's harder for her this time. With that goes a glare not just to Peloth who ignores it, but to Arekoth as well. "I. Hate. Water." This is said more clearly. Loudly. She does not /shout/. But her quiet voice carries well when she wants it to and this time she wants it to so it's heard quite easily. "I used to like taking baths. I enjoyed it. Now, I see a pool of water and I want to scream and run the other way." She might have said more, but something stops her. Possibly, probably, words from her reason to be here.

Arekoth responds to the glare by puffing his chest, and tilting his head in an almost coy manner. Peloth is hardly ignored in this, though, and a foreleg is kicked beneath the water, ushering ripples her way. "Apologies," come the words of the brownrider, who hurries himself into the pool as well, if only for the sake of modesty. "He is a wherry's ass." Surely the little weyrlings are old enough for such terminology, now.

"And she's a brat. If I call her worse she pouts. It's hardly dignified." Hardly dignified and yet Miniyal is still enamored enough of her lifemate she cannot sound horribly upset about her behavior. Surely that will change, but not even half a turn into their life together she's still adorable. If a brat. "It's not a big deal, sir. I'm used to being wet. How have you been? We haven't seen you in awhile. Not since way before her trouble." Head tilting to one side as she watches her rider, Peloth angles herself so she might this time bring her tail up to smack against the surface of the water. A splash meant just for Arekoth. "Did you two have much trouble, umm, you know. The night they came back, sir."

"I am not certain that simply laughing when being called names is better," H'kon offers, the words sounding a bit forced, yes, though his face stays sincere. "She is doing well, though?" A careful inspection of Peloth, and the slightest smirk as ARekoth receives a splash in the face. His response is to further put off warming up the twisted leg, and rather to duck his nose under the water, and come toward the little gold, blowing bubbles all the way. Mention of that ominous return brings a sharp frown, and surely the hairs on the back of H'kon's neck have stood up. Bristle. "It was strange. He forgot it soon enough." And H'kon makes a point of splashing some water at his chest, to wet that little trail of hair running down his middle.

Peloth likes having a playmate and for that she forgets she is supposed to be in here being washed. Not that she is really dirty, but still. Some washing could occur. If she were not watching Arekoth intently. The bubble blowing has her intrigued and she lowers her own head into the water to give it a try. Watching her, Miniyal can't help but grin. "She's doing great. Ahead of the class. Which is not so great as it sounds since she seems convinced restrictions are for everyone else and not her. I told her she could act like that if she wanted, but she'd lose extra baths. Not that I would mind that." For all she watches the gold play with the brown she keeps an eye on said brown's rider as well. "It's a sticky mess. I don't mean to bring up an unpleasant topic. Sorry, sir. Just, I don't hear anything, you know? I'm used to knowing what people think and it's hard to not all at once. Especially something this huge. I mean, it could change so much."

H'kon's mouth twitches down toward a frown, sympathy of sorts. "Arekoth was similar as a weyrling. You learn to be stubborn." Encouragement, even? Apparently, the brownrider's in a good mood. Arekoth lifts his nose from beneath the water, offering a quick puff to clear away excess liquid as mist, and then gasping another breath, and returning to the bubble-blowing. Two bubbling dragons is loads of fun - at least, out the front ends. "It could." A wet hand now rubs over the back of his neck, and there's a mutter of, "We shall hope it does not."

"Stubborn just long enough for her to forget. You didn't hear did you? What she tried to do? Hunt. When she was two months old. The stupid brat. She could have been hurt!" Indeed, and Peloth pauses in the bubble blowing to nudge at her rider comfortingly. Well, it would have been comforting if it didn't send Miniyal stumbling back a step and nearly going under the water. Well, par for the course since Peloth returns to blowing bubbles. From the front end. "Do you believe the world should remain static, sir? That we shouldn't try to change what is wrong? Or wrongs done in the past? I admit, the thought of E'sere being so close bothers me. Not to mention Aivey. And, well, still. I would love to be there. To see what is going on. And I'm stuck here. And even when I am not I can't go. It's not right."

H'kon allows a brief, concerned glance to the young queen - though it doesn't linger long. Something about bubbles makes even the prickly brownrider assume all is well. The question of his beliefs has him back on guard, arms crossing instinctively over his chest, held tight, muscles showing somewhat better definition for it, but more importantly, making the limbs wider. "I do not know which wrongs you refer to. I do not want either of them so near either. And it is best you do not go. A queen's rider."

Miniyal lets out a loud sigh. If Peloth pouts she learned it from her rider in moments like these. "I know. It's like I don't get to do anything anymore. Not that I want. I mean, I know that makes me sound selfish and horrid, but it's not like I don't- not do what I want. You know? It's like all at once nothing else matters but what everyone else things I need to do and I may need to do things that only I see need doing. Does that make sense? It's alright, by the way, to tell me I sound horrid and like I can't do this job. Everyone's thinking it these days, sir." Blinking as she comes to a stop the reason for her not getting to do fun things is given a look. Not quite a glare. "Sorry, sir. And, I don't mean to upset you or anything. I'm just curious. I like to know what people think. As to wrongs, throwing people away, sir. Like they meant nothing. That's what I mean. Terrible they may be, but we just threw them away like they were nothing. Which, kind of proved their point I think. Not that I agree with it so much, but still."

H'kon waits patiently under the barrage of complaint, watching Arekoth and his playmate for a time, though an ear stays well pointed toward the goldrider. "It is not horrible," is decided at last. "Simply a process of learning. Impression means you no longer put your needs first, any rider will tell you that. And one of your position... well, it is true that they must think of many other things." And now a snort for the talk of exiles. "No. They threw themselves away, when they took such steps against order. It proves only their corruption."

"That, sir, is a load of shit and you know it," Miniyal says calmly. Dismissing for the time her own problems she focuses on something else. Not the best conversational topic for the moment, but one she will stick to. "It proves they saw a problem. I do not agree that violence is the way to solve any problem. But I do not see where they did wrong until they went that far. They /tried/ to speak their mind. For that they got nothing. Was there a better way to accomplish their goals, yes. Do I wish they had accomplished them? No. But they were right. There are things wrong with the way she do things and saying it must remain the same just because it is tradition is wrong. It creates a society that dies. Withers and dies, sir. Without new ideas we're nothing. Holding to tradition is fine if it works. But if it does not than a reasonable society searches out new ways that will work with the ways one keeps."

"Fine. And a reasonable society does not resort to violence that will destroy it from the inside." A short response, but given with a rather steely gaze to the young goldrider, through squinted eyes. "I do not pretend to know all the politics, but in the end their punishment was merited." And following that, the brownrider's teeth click together as his mouth is snapped closed, and he makes a point of look to Arekoth. Who has abandoned his own bubble blowing in favour of sending swirls of water with his legs toward Peloth's bubbles.

Shaking her head, Miniyal casts a brief glance at Peloth where she continues to blow bubbles and, when water comes her way, snort. "No, sir. You do not throw them all away. They did not /all/ resort to violence. And, excuse me for saying so, sir, but if you do not know all the politics then how can you say that the punishment was merited? Have you even read the transcripts of the trial? Do you even know what they were trying to do? Or do you just know what we've been told they were trying to do by those who stopped them?" She pauses from her gentle onslaught of questions to worry at her lower lip. Finally lets out a sigh and just as gently points out, "History, sir, is written by those who win a conflict."

"Well then I've hardly any way of knowing the true events." And that comes with a distinct finality. H'kon is content to slip into silence here, a familiar frown showing up on his face, and held moodily enough. He even goes so far as to turn his body slightly away from Miniyal - certainly not shouldering her out, but not facing her right on by any means.

Not one to be put off so easily. Well, actually, she is, but Miniyal isn't this time. "What if I were to tell you that the records of the trial indicate something entirely different? That what has been recorded as fact by Harpers tells a different story than 'they got what they deserved'?" Biting her lip she glances at Peloth who is still busy playing with the brown. One wing extends to come down on the surface of the water, meant to splash his head. "What if let you read the records. Not one. I can't show you one. Not yet. But the actual trial transcripts. Everything that was said there. Would you? Would you read them with an open mind? And be willing to discuss it. Just with me. I just think they're back now and we should at least give them a fair trial this time. That's all. Not just throw them all away again."

Outright irritation is visible when H'kon turns his head back to look head-on at the goldrider, the motion slow and a bit jerky for the tension in the muscles along the man's neck and shoulders. "I do not much see the point of my reading them. I hold no particular rank." Arekoth is appropriately splashed, warbling some sort of comeback, and dipping his head fully beneath the water before according Peloth a wet nudge to the shoulder. Retribution.

"You need rank to learn the truth? Pardon me for saying so, sir, and feel free to report me for insubordination, but that's just stupid. I had no rank before Peloth. I certainly have none now. But the Truth is important." Miniyal does sometimes capitalize that word. This would be one of those obviously since she says it so firmly and carefully. Peloth is nudged and for it she croons and under the water her tail whips around to catch his. For all their play, she doesn't really speak to him. For whatever reason. But this time she peeks her mind into his, voice calm and cool and oh so right there. << She means well. She does not mean to annoy. I think. She wants to help him. She says he wastes himself. I do not know what that means. >> Sneaky brat does think she has to explain things. "They're back and they are in /our/ territory. If trouble comes it comes to us. We should /all/ know the truth about them. Regardless of rank, sir."

"And you assume there is a deeper truth than their betrayal?" Skeptical, now, and said oh so icily. The gaze he pins on her is equally cool, eyes squinted a bit. Arekoth does what he can to attempt a little tail tug, stepping a bit to one side. Trying to dunk the gold, it would seem, though surely it's not a hard enough force to do as much. The brown's own response comes as threads weaving together to bring about an overall thought, the words coming only secondary. << She is right. And he is stubborn. We could be /much/ more. >> "I do not believe your records would disprove that." Subtle acceptance, maybe.

"I know all sorts of things, sir. It was my business to." Miniyal shrugs her shoulders under his gaze, meeting it squarely with one of her own. "But, to be blunt? I know what happened as well as anyone who was not there. The only truth I miss is what they themselves could tell me and I am not allowed to find that out. For now." Oops. That last part slipped out. Let's just skip past that. "If you allow me I can show you the trial transcripts. And more. In time. But you have to give me your word not to show them to anyone else." Peloth, while the grown-ups talk, is being attacked. Well, not really. But she does get nearly dunked and her wings splash in response, dowsing everyone within range which is pretty much everyone. << Stubborn. I know this. She goes around that. Or through it. Not wisely. If you want to be more we will convince him. >> The queen sees no reason to ask what the rider wants. She just focuses on the brown. "You don't have to decide now. You can think on it for a few days. Arekoth could tell Peloth what you decide and we can go from there."

H'kon closes his eyes and ducks his head when the water hits. And then turns an outright glare to the dragons. And then nods to Miniyal. The brownrider has been with Arekoth a good few turns now, but there are times when still the brownrider doesn't notice the influence being exerted upon him. Or maybe it's just a will to end this conversation that prompts, "Fine. Show me what you will, if you feel it is beneficial for the Weyr overall." Even acquiescence can be a bit didactic, if one but tries. << I like your thoughts. >>

Miniyal stomps her foot under the water and turns to glare at Peloth. "That's it, brat. We're done. Now. Out." It's not often she talks out loud. There's no reason at all when she can talk silently. However, when the mood strikes she does. Peloth, unbothered by this, lifts her head up and looks down at her rider. See? Her body language indicates. I do this just to be nice. Arekoth gets a nudge with her head to his shoulder before she turns to head out of the pool. << I have good thoughts. >> She does not sound smug, she sounds certain. << We will talk. He will see. >> Unaware of this exchange, Peloth's rider just looks relieved. And H'kon, when she turns to him again, gets a salute. She does so try with him. He gets a better salute than almost anyone. Than even the weyrlingmaster sometimes when she's in the mood to be a pain. "Thank you, sir. I will send it to you in a few days. And if you are curious we can discuss everything I know. Not just what was recorded by the harpers." Once he's returned her salute she heads after her dragon and will follow her out without bothering to dry off first.

<< I only like things that are good, >> Arekoth offers in farewell with a similar confidence, blowing a few final bubbles after the departing young queen. The salute is returned by the brownrider, of course, dripping though he may be. "I will keep it in mind," is given all but grudgingly. And then, a nod to the brown has Arekoth starting his slow prance-swim laps around the pool, in preparation for more intensive exercises.

arekoth, h'kon, peloth

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