The greatest green ever. So sayeth the queen.

Apr 12, 2007 22:37

Who: B'ren, Miniyal, Miyamurath, Peloth
Where: Southern bowl and feeding grounds
When: After dinner on day 2, month 8, turn 3 of the 7th Pass.
What: Miniyal and B'ren manage to catch up to one another again. They converse about the weyrleader and about status current and future. Peloth works her magic on Miyamurath for more hunting lessons.


At High Reaches Weyr, it is after dinner on day 2, month 8, turn 3 of the 7th Pass.

Miyamurath happily glides down from her ledge in the summer air, backwinging to a landing in the bowl. The dainty green arches her neck as she drops a shoulder to let B'ren dismount. The greenrider slides off with a thud, twisting his torso to pop his back before he pats his dragon's hide in gratitude. Miyamurath spreads her wings to soak up the last rays as the sun begins to set.

Post dinner is 'free time'. More free for some than others. One particular weyrling finds less and less free time because a certain brat takes up more and more of it. From farther north in the bowl comes Miniyal, being nudged along by Peloth. The queen is shaking her wings, water droplets falling from them, and Miniyal is wet herself, although her clothes are dry enough other than where being worn on a wet body has left them sticking to her. Someone has had one of her two dozen baths of the day. Or thereabouts.

Miyamurath lifts her head and trumpets in her light soprano towards the gold, her eyes whirring faster with more hints of blue. B'ren turns his head to follow his green's call and lifts an arm in a wave, "Another bath?" he asks in a lightly teasing voice. At the same time he has a respectful bow for the young queen and her rider.

Ohhh. Someone new. Peloth's head swivels over towards where the green is and she veers off before her rider. When she reaches the green she lowers her head and butts against the other dragon's shoulder. An informal hello. Miniyal follows along after, head shaking as she sighs. "Miss Brat things if she does anything she needs a bath. Including breathing I think. Hey, B'ren." She's a bad weyrling and just gives him the least of playful salutes. "Oh. Throw some sirs in there, will you? So D'ven doesn't get all pissy and stuff."

Miyamurath warbles with delight at the attention, gently nudging the other dragon back with her velvet nose. B'ren chuckles, "Miyamurath was just telling me that after I grab a late bite she wants a bath too. Perhaps you both could join us?" He grins and then nods, not even returning the salue. "Oh aye, I'll say that you did that...and more, if it'll help." He glances down and then up with a coy wink.

"Tell him I did any more and I'll get in trouble for something else," Miniyal teases with a grin. "What's up with you." Glancing over at Miya she tilts her head to the side. "She getting ready to go up or something? You're being awful friendly." Teasing again as she sighs when Peloth lifts her head and croons. "Dammit. She heard you. Yes, if we're still free you can count on us to join you." Peloth nudges again at the green. << You are not hungry are you? >> Asked with such innocence. She's not up to something. The queen is just showing some interest in the green. Yes, that is it.

B'ren shrugs his shoulders, eyes twinkling, "Oh, just working on some of those new wing formations we've got. They're quite challenging, but my Miyamurath handles them flawlessly." He smiles at his dragon and she warbles back before focusing on the gold, spreading her wings and fanning them. B'ren then laughs, "Sorry, Mi. I'm sure you'll dry out one of these days."

Miyamurath's voice is a soft twang of orange and red fall shades, << I am a little hungry, we flew long today. >>

Miniyal sighs and rubs the back of her neck. "Maybe someday. I doubt it. She's not shown any sign at all of getting tired of these baths. And she'll only get older." Head tilting to the side she studies B'ren a moment. "You're doing good then? I haven't seen you in ages it seems like. New formations? That sounds interesting. At least more interesting than anything I have to deal with lately. I swear I am going out of my mind."

Peloth's voice is cool and silvery as she speaks again. << I would like to watch. If you hunt. I am curious. >> >>

B'ren lifts a finger to his lips, "Top secret new formations. Don't tell anyone I told you. And /our/ wing is the only one R'vain trusts enough to try them out." It seems the Weyrleader has found his way into B'ren's ego. Then the greenrider tilts his head, "Weyrlinghood not exciting enough for you?" Miyamurath shakes her wings and lifts her head, warbling towards the feeding grounds. B'ren's brows knit, "You just ate two days ago." The green turns to study her rider and snorts. B'ren shrugs, "Miyamurath says she's hungry, mind walking to the feeding grounds with us? I'd love to chat more."

Miyamurath seems very flattered that the gold would like to watch, << Of course! I love hunting, it's so...satisfying. And squishy. >>

"Oh, interesting. So, that mean you're not hitting him anymore?" Miniyal grins as she asks and then glances towards Peloth. "Sure. We can walk with you. Unless the brat complains." Tilting her head to one side she glances again at her dragon. "She's willing to go, so I guess we can walk with you. It is nice to see you again. I have no time at all these days to talk to anyone unless I'm stuck in the barracks with them. And most of them are a pain in the ass." Gesturing towards the feeding grounds she grins. "Lead on, oh, experienced one. It is my duty as a lowly weyrling to follow along."

Peloth projects to Miyamurath, << Thank you! It is an honor to observe from you. Especially since ours are friends. >>

B'ren smirks, "Not yet," he says evenly, before he laughs. "He and I reached an...understanding. And I only hit him for you, my love." He offers the young goldrider his arm, "Allow me, then, to lead you to the thrilling arena that is our feeding grounds." He glances at Miyamurath, who croons softly to Peloth before springing nimbly aloft and spiraling up, high above the feeding grounds.

Miyamurath projects, << An honor? My, that is wonderful for you to say! I'm only a green after all, but I'm fast in the air. >>

"What are you up to anyway?" Miniyal asks with a laugh as she takes his arm and follows his lead. Peloth walks along behind them, long tail swishing the ground with every step. "She's so smug, you know? All the time." A fond look is cast back to the baby dragon who abandons her riders to walk towards the feeding pen. Her head rests on the fence and she watches the green overhead. "Also, for the record, I can handle him, you know? Our illustrious weyrleader. I'm so in control of that situation." She lies so well.

Peloth projects to Miyamurath, << I am told to learn from everyone. From anyone. You are someone I might learn from. So, it is an honor. You will teach me. And, in return if you would like to share a small bite of your meal I would be grateful. >>

B'ren glances sidelong at the woman on his arm with a raised brow, "Handle him? In what way?" Oh, he's so innocent. He glances back at the young gold and smiles, "She should be, she snagged you after all." Then he shrugs, "You know, just trying to master these new formations. I hate to give him credit but some of them are actually good." He seems surprised. High above, Miyamurath has decided to show off. Her long vision sights a young buck and she folds her wings to her spine, diving steeply. It seems she's going to teach Peloth all her bad habits as she pulls out of the dive barely a length above the ground. Her wings make an audible snap as they catch the air and she extends her hind legs, expertly grabbing the buck on the run. "She's young enough to try stunts like that, and experienced enough to pull them off," B'ren remarks mildly of his green. Yet there is obvious pride in his voice as he watches Miyamurath stand on a wingtip, trailing blood as she soars over the fence. She hovers and shifts the kill to her forelegs before touching down lightly right beside the gold. With a proud croon, she sets the dead beast down.

Miyamurath projects, << Of course I'll share! I love hunting, you can have this whole one if you want, and I can catch again. >>

Miniyal gives the greenrider another look, shaking her head. "In the way that I am smarter than him. And I am useful. It's fine. Don't you let it worry you." She's not talking, nope. Not a thing in the world to see here. Just move along. "I'm glad things are going well for you. It's one less thing for me to worry about. I don't have that many friends and I have to be sure the ones I do have are taken care of. You know, eventually I'll really be in a position to do that. It'll be something new at least. Go on, start thinking of favors to ask for once I graduate. I might even give you one or two." Head turning she watches the dragons, shaking her head. "She's up to something, B'ren. She keeps secrets from me. Is she supposed to do that? Nothing I've read says that. I can only do so much research right now, but, seriously. Does Miya keep things from you? Because Peloth is always acting like she's got some secret. Always." Watching both dragons she eyes the dead beast carefully. "Umm. What's going on over there anyway?" Always with the secrets. Peloth, it seems, is telling her rider nothing. "She is good." Because the fine hunting needs to be congratulated and all. If a bit absently. "I hope she doesn't give Peloth ideas. At least none she remembers for more than a few days."

Peloth projects to Miyamurath, << Oh! No, I am not hungry enough for a whole one. Perhaps a few bites? I think mine would get upset. I am supposed to be eating that stuff she feeds me. It does not taste as good. >>

B'ren turns to look earnestly at the woman, "A wing to lead," he says, his voice still showing its yearning despite the control he tries to put on it. Then he quickly moves on, watching as Miyamurath hops a few times before dipping her muzzle to daintily yank the hind leg off the beast. "Miyamurath isn't smart enough to think up secrets to keep from me," he says with fondness. "But there are times when she won't tell me what she's thinking." He shrugs, "She's her own person. They both are. I wouldn't worry about it. Either she does have a secret from you, or she just wants you to think she has a secret so you'll pester her for it. It's all about attention, after all. Yes, my beloved, that was a marvelous catch," he says to the green. "If you'd like," he says to Miniyal, "I can do some research for you. I am, after all, still at your beck and call, my Lady."

Miyamurath's voice is stuffy, as though she's talking with her mouth full. Odd. << Take as much as you'd like! Mine says I have to be generous to you 'cause you're a queen, but I would have been anyway 'cause I like you. >> Then she snorts, << If it doens't taste good, don't eat it. This is much better than anything else. >>

"You are acting weird. She's going to rise, isn't she? I mean, you're being all. . .weird. B'ren? You're not dying or something are you? I mean, this is just not. . .like you." Miniyal shakes her head and stares at the greenrider again, worrying at her lower lip. "I'm not sure what I can do about a wing. It is the weyrleader's place. But, I will drop a bug in his ear. And I'll talk to Roa. Have you ever talked to her? She'd be a good one to talk to. I'll mention it to her again. There might be. . .I mean, a wingleader has to lead through a 'fall, but if the duty were shared. . I don't know, B'ren. It's not anything I know about." Ohh. She admits to not knowing something. Mark the day on the calendar. B'ren is a lucky fellow getting to hear it. "That's something to research. Visit the other weyrs if you can. Check anything that might give you some information on these things."

Peloth sounds excited around her calm, but that calm is always there. << A few bites. I like you as well. We like each other. This is good. Mine likes yours. She does not like many. She says he is a friend. I do not think she says that about anyone. You may tell him that. But if I do not eat what she gives I do not eat. I am not allowed to hunt. Yet. But soon I will. >>

B'ren blinks, looking rather surprised, "Weird? I don't think she's due to rise, I really acting strange? Why is that? It's because I haven't made a pass at you yet and am acting like a gentleman, isn't it? Well, that's just because I know I can't have you so I'm controlling myself. Besides, you'd turn me down and break my heart all over again." He gives her a wink. "I was thinking that a dual-leadership wing could be good. Two greens, or green blue. I'll speak to Roa." As for her not knowing something...he kindly lets that pass. Well, more like tucks it away for later use.

Miyamurath is astounded, << Yours would never let you go hungry! I will hunt for you, I love hunting! Just call me when you're hungry and I'll hunt for you. >> As for the friend bit, the green's ego lifts, << I chose him perfectly, didn't I? He's so wonderful. He really likes yours, and usually he doesn't like people like that. He just wants to mate with them. But not yours. I mean, he likes yours and thinks she's pretty, and I guess he'd like to mate with her because they did once a long time ago - mine just thought about that so that's how I know - but he knows she's off limits. I don't know why, when they mate it's very nice to watch and listen and feel with them. >>

"No, but you're not usually. . .I mean, we're friends and you keep. . .you /winked/. I'm not sure what is up is all. And, you don't even want me. You said so yourself. We're friends." Miniyal is just confused, that is all. She sighs and rubs the back of her neck again. "Sorry. I'm just having a rough time is all. I guess. . .it's not easy is all. It's really. . .I just want it to be over with, that's all. I just want my life back and it's not coming back and no. . .no, it's fine." The last is said as she turns to look at the gold who looks away from the green long enough to observe her rider. There is silence between them and then Peloth turns back to Miyamurath and Miniyal to B'ren. "I'm happy to see you. I just worry about you. I want to be sure you're happy."

Peloth projects to Miyamurath, << She would not. But I am not supposed to hunt. I do not want to be hunted for. I will hunt. But I must learn how and I am pleased I have found you to learn from. You will teach me all I need to know. Mine has a mate. She has her other one. That is why she may not have anyone else. She does not look at yours like that. He is a friend. She needs friends. He will be her friend. And I will be your friend. We will all be friends. >>

B'ren gazes at the young rider, puzzled. "I'd be more worried about yourself right now," he says softly, "Are you sure you're okay? What can I do to help? And I would flirt with you more and I /do/ want you, but..." he waves an arm vaguely, trying to encompass G'thon as well as her weyrling status as well as the color of her dragon. "It's just not done," he finishes. "But you know I'd do anything for you."

Miyamurath is puzzled, << Okay. I will teach you all that I know about hunting. Mine still has *love* for yours I think. He cares for her. He is...she is the one that got away? I'm not sure what that means, she's right here. >>

Miniyal worries at her lower lip and nods once, slowly. "B'ren. We're friends. I know that's not likely what you really want to hear. I'll always care about you as a friend, but Gans is. . .He's. . .he needs me. And I need him. And we love each other. So, behave already. Or else I'll tell D'ven you were hitting on me." Now it is her turn to wink, joking with him. "If we were not friends and if I did not have Gans. . and the weyrling thing. It's nothing it will pass. But if not for those two things, who gives a damn about the other? So Miyamurath is green, so Peloth is gold, who cares. Who cares? I don't care. It's stupid to even worry about."

Peloth lets a thread of puzzlement leech into the cool silvery tone she projects. << I do not know. Mine is not lost. She is. . .lost. But not that way I think. He worries her. She worries /for/ him. She does not worry for many. He should be pleased. He should be proud. And in the meantime, you will teach me. I will learn enough from you that others will be jealous. >>

B'ren grins, tossing his short hair back, "Of course we're friends, I was just teasing." Oh really? He glances upwards and then back at her, master of his emotions again. "So I'll find out if other people's dragons keep secrets for them. Anything else? Need me to run errands to other areas while you're stuck here?"

Miyamurath seems to have given up on her rider - he's too confusing. << I will teach you everything! But you'll be a lot bigger than me, but I can still teach you lots of tricks. >>

Miniyal lets out a quiet sigh. "B'ren? You're way too nice to me. You should be careful. Someone less honest would take advantage of your kind nature. You know what we need to do? We need to find you a girl. Yes. That's what I need to do. I'll get right on that." She is. . .joking? Maybe. Possibly. She does need to take care of him, after all. Her little flunky. "Just the secret thing for now I think. Oh! I need an errand run to Harper. Could you do that for me? In the next seven or so. I just need something run to the Masterharper and to a posted master there."

Peloth projects to Miyamurath, << I am not bigger yet. Right. You will teach me and I will tell everyone that it was you I learned from. Everyone will know here that it was you who taught me. I will not forget. >>

B'ren grins, "I'm only nice to you, you know. I'm not nice to anyone else. But what can I say? I like you bossing me around." He laughs, "You want to find me a girl? Well, I suppose I could give that a try...sure, why not?" He grins and then nods, "Sure, I can run to the Harper Hall for you. I wanted to have another limeric written about me after all." Miyamurath lifts her head and warbles to her rider. B'ren frowns, "Seems we're needed again. I'm glad you ate light, Miyamurath, we need to fly that formation again." The green croons softly to her new best friend before spreading her wings and prancing to her rider for him to mount. "I will see you later, Mi." He gives her a warm smile before climbing atop his green.

Miyamurath projects, << Yes, I love to teach, that would be wonderful! Thank you! We've got to go again, but I will see you again and teach you more! >>

Miniyal laughs quietly, "I'll do what I can. You know I'll take care of you no matter what, B'ren. You're my friend. Even if you're embarrassingly lax in the map making skills." When he moves to leave she glances at the gold who plods towards her. "Great. She wants another bath! You two so owe me! I am never going to be try. Take care!"

Peloth projects to Miyamurath, << Soon! I want to do this! Thank you! We will hunt together. It will be good. >>

b'ren, peloth, miyamurath

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