Mommies make cake.

Apr 02, 2007 17:09

Who: Miniyal and H'kon
Where: Living cavern
When: 16:52 on day 10, month 7, turn 3 of the 7th Pass.
What: Miniyal is enjoying an early dinner with a few other weyrlings. She gets the task of fetching early cake from the kitchen and in the process finds H'kon viewing the meal being brought out. They discuss their dragons briefly and mostly talk about. . .cake.


At High Reaches Weyr, it is 16:52 on day 10, month 7, turn 3 of the 7th Pass.

It's early in the time that the weyr eats dinner. A few people are about and mostly those in the living cavern are the kitchen workers bringing out the meal, making sure juice and klah are available and that everything is as it should be. At one table a few of the weyrlings have congregated. They're not all ready for dinner, of course, but some seem to have snuck out for an early start of it. One of those is Miniyal, her and less than half a dozen others have claimed a larger table, likely to be sure there's room for the others when they come in. Right now, the weyrling weyrwoman is standing, shaking her head. "I don't know why I let you talk me into these things." What things? Well, she steps around the table and heads for the table near the kitchen door and looks to be planning on making her way around that table and into the kitchen. It is worth noting the others with her are all some of the younger to have impressed. Well, someone has to, umm, show them the ropes. Yea. That's it.

H'kon is certainly not liable to be anywhere near enough weyrlings to be considered a congregation. He's leaned up against a wall near-ish the kitchens, watching the comings and goings of the workers, and generally scoping out his next meal. Chin is held low toward his chest, and arms are crossed protectively over his midsection. Occasional kitchen workers look less than plesaed for his attention. But creepy dark men in the shadows have never been a comforting sight. The stake-out has been his main focus so far, with only passing glances for those not involved in food transport. Miniyal's passing glance as she approaches, however, receives a bit more attention on the brownrider's part. Enough that he stands up a bit taller against the wall, and lifts his chin. No calling out to the goldrider weyrling, though. Just an expectant look. Perhaps even shadow lurkers feel they're deserving of salutes.

Miniyal is good at noticing people in the shadows. It is her preferred place to be and even though she's currently unable to really enjoy being in them. Well, /be/ in them it doesn't mean she doesn't notice. Still, that passing glance that notices H'kon doesn't do more than notice him. She breezes past and into the kitchens on whatever errand she's been sent on by the 'kids' she's with. Several minutes later she comes back out, grinning and holding a covered dish. Now she stops near H'kon and shuffles the plate into one hand so she can come to plate carrying attention and give H'kon his proper salute. "Sir. Good evening. Want a slice of cake?" Lifting the napkin that covers the plate she shows thin slices of a fruitcake. "Fresh. Corin always saves me something good and there's still plenty for the kids if you have a piece, sir."

When first passed by, the brownrider wrinkles up his nose and furrows up his brow and slumps back against the wall. Miniyal's return will find his facial features having already relaxed slightly, and he stands straighter again as this time she approaches him, even if it means ignoring a tray of meat being carried past that wafts quite the wondrous smell. Salute is returned with a proper crispness, though the cake gets a skeptical look. "Weyrling. I do not often eat cakes." Eyes flick toward the food tables briefly before finding Miniyal once momre. "Peloth is well?" Ah, formalities.

"Then you're missing out, sir," Miniyal says with a grin. "Corin makes the best cakes on all of Pern. There's no finer cook anywhere. You just ask anyone." She waggles the plate back and forth, teasing. "I promise not to tell anyone you spoiled your dinner with dessert, sir." Her free hand grabs a small slice for herself and she takes a small bite of it. "Peloth is a brat as always, sir. And Arekoth is well I hope, sir?"

"Perhaps so," H'kon replies rather flatly. "Still, it seems better use to eat those things that will provide proper nourishment. There are many who rely on my health." When the plate waggles, it receives a bit of a scowl. "The same goes for your health as well, surely." News of the young gold actually brings a smile (gasp!) to the man's face. "I believe... Arekoth is similar to Peloth." A dip of his head, further acknowledgement for the returned courtesy.

"My sympathies on your brat, sir. Peloth seemed to like him." Of course, Peloth so far seems to have liked most that she has met. At least of the draconic persuasion. That said, Miniyal pops the last of her piece of cake into her mouth and so must chew and swallow before she can speak again. "A little cake never killed anyone, sir. My mother made it, sir." He doesn't want to insult her mother, does he? The plate is waggled again. "My health, by the way, sir, is perfectly fine. Some girls are meant to be fat is all. Doesn't mean we're unhealthy. Just means we know not to pass up good cake when it comes available to us, sir." Blinking a few times she gives him one more chance to take cake before covering the plate again.

H'kon snorts a little, shifting to make his stance a bit wider, and as such, to make himself that much shorter. "I believe he liked her as well. I do not know that it is for the best." No further explanation is offered on that. Talk of weight draws a startled arch of eyebrows, and H'kon passes a quick look up and down the goldrider's frame. "I was not referring to your weight specifically. I mean only that proper eating is important, for dragonriders especially. Goldriders especially, I would think." The last chance at cake is certainly not taken.

Miniyal rolls her eyes and grins again. "I'm healthy, sir. I'm even letting one of the others try to make me healthier. Cake is an important part of my diet. It's my only vice since I am not allowed to drink or visit with Gans, sir. I refuse to give it up." Not that he suggested it. Not that she sounds defiant or anything, more playful. "Oh, no. I think it's good, sir. She needs people other than the baby dragons to talk to. She thinks it's too easy to get what she wants from them, sir. But, if she does bother him let me know and I will put a stop to it. So do you ever have cake? I mean, what about your birthday, sir? Surely you have cake on your birthday? You're not even close to being old enough to having to worry about a bit of cake, sir."

The mention of G'thon - or more importantly, having him referred to as 'Gans' - finds H'kon shifting, momentarily uncomfortable. There is a slight nod, however, and a quickly muttered, "I would imagine it is more difficult, then." No real emotion behind that, and no real sign of capitulation from his position on cake, but he won't press. "Arekoth is not at all bothered by it. He enjoys their interaction. And I am certain she will not easily get what she wants from him, if he's in no mind to give it." All those words require H'kon to take a bit of a break, to catch his breath. "I have eaten cake when returning home since impressing to Arekoth. It..." and cue the embarrassed look toward his feet, with the second half of his sentence coming grudgingly, "makes my mother happy."

"Keeping one's mother happy is important, sir," Miniyal says with a nod of her head and a smile. "Trust me. It's a pain in the ass sometimes, sure, but it is important." Shifting her cake plate from one hand to the other she tips her head to the side. She does not press the Gans issues although she looks to have considered it. "Well, good. We're told eventually they'll start asking the others questions and all. So, I just wanted to ummm well, right. Anyway!" Anyway, on to a new topic! Or the same old one. "Well, you know, sir, come your birthday I am going to have to have my mother bake you a nice cake. Something to share with your friends. And if you don't have at least a small piece I will know about it and tell her and then she will turn up crying wanting to know why." Is it all a tease? Could be. But the best part is he won't know for sure until that day rolls around.

"It is certainly easier, in the long-run, than having her upset," H'kon offers, a snort of what might be laughter accompanied by the slightest toss of his head. One eyebrow pushes up as the mention of other questions. H'kon doesn't pursue that one. Onto an old topic. Yes. Safer. The brownrider brings his hands to link behind his back, standing at ease now. "You do not even know when that is," is stated rather simply on the topic of his birthday. "How would your mother cry if she does not know when to make that cake in the first place?"

Head tipping to the side, Miniyal grins now. "Sir. I worked in records. It's simple. I go look up when you came here and from where. Once I know that it's a simple matter of finding out by going to where you are from and either looking it up or asking about. Well, I can't do that, but I have friends who would be happy to go find out for me. And then? Ta da! I know when to ask Corin to make a cake." Serious, she sounds so serious as she says all of this. Simple, see? Tick, tick, tick the way she finds out. "Really, sir. I'm much more resourceful than I appear to be. Never underestimate me, sir. I promise it won't go well."

H'kon's expression clearly remains skeptical as Miniyal enumerates the entire process. "I see. One would only hope that you would use this inclination toward research," there's the slightest hint of disbelief, bordering on sarcasm, "for noble purposes, then, when it could so easily be used for other things." Hands are unclasped, and he looks pointedly toward the food tables. "Best make it a small cake. You'll excuse me. I must eat before attending to other duties."

Miniyal snaps to attention when he announces he'll be going. She has to shift the cake to the other hand so she might salute him, but she does it quickly. "Sir. It was a pleasure as always to talk to you, sir. Give Arekoth our best. And, I use my inclination towards research for all sorts of things, sir. And I find this to be a noble purpose, sir." Once he's returned the salute she heads off to her fellow weyrlings to deliver cake.


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