Writing Prompt #2 - Guilty Pleasure

Mar 19, 2007 19:20

I slooooooowly work my way through these for Ownah. The ones that I feel I can do without her having more on camera time. Because it gives me more to work from when she does have on camera time. Whee! I suppose there's two guilty pleasures in here. Ah, well. She's looking for trouble being where she is anyway.

It had taken some time, but eventually a certain rhythm had been established. Wake up early and be sure her few meager belongings were secure still from the night before and then slip off to work. Sometimes, if she beat enough other people there Ownah might get a decent assignment. One that allowed her to go outside. She hated being inside for so many reasons.

The main reason was, always, that she just didn’t like being indoors. She wasn’t one of those who was nervous outside. Who hated the thought of not having walls of rock surrounding her. So the best assignments involved getting to go outside even if it meant more laundry time and she’d had plenty of that at Nabol.

The secondary reason was more important, in some ways. Outside she could avoid those that needed avoiding better. There was space to see them coming. No hiding behind corners and trying to make a grab for her. So far she’d managed to avoid them and had to do little more than laugh self-consciously and slip from their grasp. Usually quite easy to do. None of them tried, so far, to hold her so well she was not able to make it seem a joke when getting away. Outside she could run away if it came to it and she’d sized up the men here. Most she could outrun with a decent head start. Enough to get somewhere with, hopefully, the wrong sort of witnesses to ideas those men might have.

In a way, she just wanted to get it over with. The confrontation would come. She was prepared to meet it. She wouldn’t back down. No matter what was said, there was no winning in letting someone think they could push you around. At night, before going to sleep, she would admit she almost looked forward to it. There was a lot she had to be angry about and a chance to take it out on someone wasn’t to be missed. But, she wasn’t here to cause trouble so she’d wait until she had to.

It wasn’t right anyway. Wanting a chance to hit someone just because she was frustrated was wrong. She had to remember that regardless of where she was she had been raised right and was not going to make a bad name for herself. It wasn’t right, after all, to ruin her husband’s name. So she had to stop watching him.

When she worked outside she often got to see him working and it could be distracting. Ownah was not one to break her marriage vows, but there was no harm in looking, right? In watching him work especially when he worked without his shirt on. That was, then, the third reason she liked to work outdoors. Because sometimes she got to watch him as well while she did what needed doing. But she wouldn’t do more than look on occasion. Even that made her feel guilty sometimes even if Urbann had looked plenty especially at the weyr. Well, it was his right though as a man. She didn’t have the same right. Still. . .it didn’t hurt. So long as no one ever noticed.

ownah, vignettes

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